[Short] Twenty Two...

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I ended up not actually speaking with Caleb that morning. I had been smothered with papers an all sorts of ridiculous assignments from all classes.

I got home and threw my bag on the couch, settling down next to it.
I snapped Caleb a pic of my crumbled papers and a load of books directly from the inside of my bag. I captioned it "Ditching you for a hot date with my homework." He opened the snap as soon as it was sent then instantly sent a pic back. A picture of him fake crying popped up captioned "Oh! I sEE whERe i sTANd"
I snorted quietly and clicked off my phone. My mother still was not around and the guys hadn't come home with me. I decided it wasn't a bad idea to go to JC's so I grabbed my bag and my longboard then started heading down the street.
I know I shouldn't really be walking but I felt perfectly fine.
I cruised on my board all the way to the O2L house and rode up seeing Kian and Jc outside with a camcorder setup infront of a table. There was different kinds of food on the table and the boys had been covered with unknown meats and condements. Jc looked over at me and his face lit up.
"Ladies and Clouds may i introduce one more special guest?!"
I shook my head and started backing out of the driveway but Kian jumped up and ran over to me grabbinf me by the waist and hoisted me over to the table. I quickly put my sunglasses on and faked a smile crossing my arms.
"This is Savannah" Jc started and i gave a tiny wave,
"Savannah, do you like eggs?"
I nodded slowly.
"How do you like em? Boiled, Scrambled, Sunny Side...?"
I thought for a moment,
"Sunny" i said quietly and i suddenly feel an impact of cracking along side with yellow goo dripping down the front of my face. I turn and see kian with empty egg shells and dead unfertilised baby chicken goo all over his fingers.
"Goodmorning!!" He said and smiled.
I stared at him with a red furious face and my first reaction is to attack him but JC lays a hand on my shoulder and hands me a towel.
I mumble under my breath and head inside with a homocide ontop of my head.

[Hay, i uploaded this just to let new and recent readers know im active and starting up the stories again! Sorry that there arent any important things but im gonna wait for that. Thanks to those who've just started and convinced me to actually start writing again i really appreciate it. Also if any of you have any ideas or tips I WOULD SO GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. Also if you wanna co-write and help out to keep the journey alive feel free to dm me at anytime and don't hesitate to ask. But thanks again and look forward to some more updates!! c;]

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