Chapter 12: Wait What?!

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*Savannah in the hospital*

•Shawns pov•

I rush into the hospital with the guys behind me.

I spot Taylor sitting in a chair om his phone.

"Is she okay!?"

"I don't know yet, they just took her to the back" he had tear marks down his face.

I sat down with my fingers on my temple,

"Oh Savannah!" I cried out.

The guys came over also crying and patted my back and hugged me.

"Who is accompanying, Ms. Savannah?" I nurses says coming out from the back.

We all stand,

"Um who was the first notified?" She asked specifically.

I walk over to her.

"Okay, so it was something like a mini stroke, nothing big" I sighed in relief.

"She seemed under alot of stress" the nurse continues and I nod.

"How is she though?" I ask her, she hesitates.

"That's the bad news"

We all groan,

"Shes in a deep sleep, not dead or coma or anything, but something like it and it's very serious. I'm very sorry" the nurse puts her head down.

Just as she's about to leave another nurse comes.running out from the back,

"Nurse! NURSE!"

"Yes what is it?"she shoots her head up.

"The girl! She's speaking!" She says excitedly.

We all jump up and rush towards the nurse,

"Well is she awake?"

"Negative" she shakes her head.

"Well what is she saying?"

"Something about a, Nash?" She shrugs.

We all widen our eyes and look slowly at Nash who is even more surprised.

♠Nash' PoV♦

"Something about a, Nash?" The nurse shrugs.

The guys slowly turn and look at me but I know I'm even more shocked then they are.

"Uh ma'am, I'm Nash" I spoke up to her.

"Well she seemed to be crying to you, saying sorry multiple timeS and what not"

"May I see her?" I ask stepping up.

She nodded and led me to the back,

"Call if you need anything" she said and left.

I stood there in silence for about five minutes, besides the machine beeping and the faint snoring.

"N-Nash" I hear Savannah whisper.

"Princess! I'm here m here!" I rush over to her and grab her hand, it was cold.

"Nash! I'm sorry! I should've done better! Please forgive me! Don't hurt me!" She was whisper yelling and panicking still with her eyes closed. I don't think she was fully awake.

"Your fine, I promise, what are you sorry about hun" I still talked to her just in case.

"Don't kill me please!" She screamed, sweat was coming down her face.
Is that how she thinks of me? A monster?, I thought to myself.

Suddenly she shoots up in the bed staring straight ahead, blankly. He face looks like she dumped a bucket on here head.

"Savannah are you okay?" I stand.

The heartrate machine goes haywire and starts speeding rapidly.

"Oh my go- Nurse! NURSE!" I start screaming for help.

The nurses rush in and check her, I'm politely asked to leave and head back to the lobby.

"What happened" Shawn stands along with the others.

I explain to them the yelling and the heartrate machine.

"What the heck!" Shawn's face is red with tears coming down, he comes his mouth.

Just then Jc and Kian crash through the door,

"Where is she!" Jc shouts coming in.

"In the back being treated" I say and sit.

Were there for another forty five minutes until a nurse comes out.

"All well now, she may see visitors but only six at a time"

Shawn,Taylor,The Jacks,Jc, and I are the first up go back.

•Shawns PoV•

We walk in and see her in her bed, she smiles really big when she sees us.

"Hey beauty" I say standing over her.

"How ya feeling?" Jc says standing beside me.

She opens her mouth but nothing comes out, a tear comes down her face.

"No what's wrong?" I sit beside her wrapping my arm around her.

"Why aren't you talking" Taylor pipes in.

She shrugs, she tries again but only a puff comes out. Suddenly she panicks and clutches her throat.

"She can't speak!" I yell.

"Oh sh-Nurse! NURSE!" Nash yells, I'm pretty sure this is his second time yelling that.

The nurse rushes in,

"She can't speak" I say panicking also.

She facepalms her forehead,

"Oh yeah! We gave her medicine cause her throat seemed Extremely swollen. She won't be able to speak for the next twenty four hours"

"How bout given our buddy Taylor a dose of that would ya?" I laughed and so did everyone else.

"Ha ha" he said sarcastically and huffed.

"She should be back to normal tomorrow but she'll need to stay home for a few days"

"She can stay with us!" Jc said excitedly,"would you like that?" He smirked.

She nods and smiles,

"Okay then, ill have you fill out a few papers before she leaves. For right now she needs to rest, ill only allow one visitor at a time.

"Ill stay" I pipe in, "we'll switch off the hour"

They nod and leave her and I alone.

|Hai! I hoped you guys liked it, really you guys are acting like zombies just reading and not voting or giving feedback buuuuut I can't argue because that's what you wanna do and I respect that. Smack that vote button, follow if you haven't and if you have any 'No Life' time check out my book "Beyond Limits" its getting pretty interesting soooo yeah. I'm just gonna throw a few things out there:

My insta: Thenames_DD
My Skype: message me :)
My Kik: Deahobbs_
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My twitter: @5SecOfSummer4Ev
Anything else just message me and ill see you guys tomorrow. Thanks Buddy's! ~Deeds|

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