Chapter 8:The Terrible, No good, very bad, Boring Chapter

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*Playing Just Dance with Kian and Jc at the moment*

Shawn, Cam, Nash, and Taylor come in and join. We're there for about another hour,
"We should get going guys" Nash says finishing up the game, I won....of course.
We all groan,
"Oh Shutup" he says pulling Taylor, Cam, and I by the shirts.
"What about Shawn?!" I whine
"Shawn's smart enough to find the door"
We all say our say our goodbyes. I'm the first one to be out in the front of the house, then Matt.
"Hey! Did you have fun?" he swung his arm around me.
"Yeah, besides Cameron and Taylor embarrassing me, it was amazing!"
The rest of the gang comes followed by Jc and Kian. Jc heads straight to me,
"Babe, I want you to visit your big brother whenever you need to" he pecks my forehead.
"Yeah! I will" I give him my address,"Return the favor"
"After school tomorrow I want you to come over so I can help you with homework or whatever" he says
"I promise" I give him another hug and he heads over to the guys,
"Take care of her, watch her, don't make fun of her" he strictly points to all of them and they nod.
Kian walks over to me,
"Well, ma'am, it was nice meeting you" he hugs me.
"Kian ill be back tomorrow" he draws back, with eyes lit up.
"You will!"
I nod, "Jc is gonna help me with homework and then me and you can spend time together"
"Sounds good!" he hugs me again and kisses me on the cheek then rejoins Jc.
"See ya dudes" Cam waves.
"Bye guys, Savannah, don't forget love you!" Jc yells as we start skating out of the driveway,
"I won't! love you too!"
"That was nice" Shawn says.
"Yeah we should hang with them more often" Nash says.
"I'm still wondering what a chicken burger tastes like" Matt says.
"Pretty much just a chicken patty"Taylor answered
"Chicken and cow combined" Nash explains.
"That makes ZERO sense" Shawn's argues,
"It makes the same amount of sense that Taylor has" Cam says.
"Sooooo negative infinity" Shawn corrects.
"Wait wait, so a chicken and a cow 'did it'?" Matt interrupts.
"...Exactly" Nash answers.
"I'm working with a bunch of bricks" Shawn shakes his head.
"We could try that dude!" Cam shouts
"Noted" Taylor said.
"Gross" Shawn gags.
"Haters gonna hate, bruh" Taylor says to him.
We pull up to my house. I go the garage and push in my pin, moms still not home. I walk inside, the guys sit on the couch and relax while I sit on the island and drink a bottle of water silently,
"Hey, Savannah, do you have Cod advanced warfare?" Cam asks turning on the Xbox.
I nod and sip my water,
"Yo, why you not talkin" Taylor asks me feeling suspicious.
I make an I don't know face,
"Is there something wrong?" Shawn asks with a worried face.
"You can tell us" Cam chimes in.
I purse my lips and shake my head,
"Or you can tell me, in your bed, with the lights off" Taylor says fleeking his eyebrows(that's not a thing XD).
Cameron punches him in the arm,
"Or not"
I jump off the island and motion them to the stairs. They follow me up and I stop at a door and point to Shawn.
"You want me to open it?" he asks.
I nod and move out the way. He turns the nob and pushes it open. Before they could walk in I jump in front of them and I put my finger up. They see the room is pitch black, I lead them in one by one into a certain spot and then close the door.
It's blacker than night and I know where my night vision goggles are. I run and get them then I look at their faces,
Taylor and Cam look terrified,
"Dude, Nash. why'd you just touch my butt!" Cam fusses.
"Wasn't me dude"
"Sorry" Matt says embarrassed.
I run over to the power switch and turn it on, a giant black light comes on. There are neon colors everywhere, a bunch of arcade games come on and music is blaring from the speakers,
"You.Own.An.Arcade" Taylor says shocked out of his mind.
"Surprise" I take off the goggles.
"Whoa" Nash babbles at all the games
"This is epic" Matt awes.
"Yeah" I yawn, "The first two to get I my bedroom, sleeps on the bunks. the rest sleep in the guest rooms. Im going to bed" second best hobby other than eating.
I hug and kiss them goodnight, I I to my room and change into some shorts and a tee. I turn the light off and climb into bed, I watch vine for the rest of the night then I dose off to sleep.

|Sooo the chapter title explains this whole thing it was boring, dont say it wasn't cause I know it was. I! was even getting bored while typing it..into excitement here so hopefully the next chapter is a lot better than this piece of Shiz. Hope you guys are enjoying though! ~Deeds|

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