*WaRnInG* Highly Important Please Read!

104 7 5

I want to encourage you guys to comment and vote on the stories, I've worked very hard and done my best to update even with me being very sick. Ill give credit to the ones who have been voting and commenting, which really makes my day. I may start throwing in contests for characters or maybe even a co-editor, and when more votes in comments roll in I'm going to start to dedicate. I'm really not speaking for myself here really, I'm not the only one who is struggling with this type of problem. There are many new authors out there trying to be heard and all it takes is a tap on the star and a simple "Good work, OR "Nice job keep it up". Im only saying this because if you guys really worked hard on a book and you were barely getting acknowledged for it you would be disappointed also. So when you see a struggling author just tap or comment, there's at 90% guarantee that you made their day and motivated them to do more. I understand if your very busy and you don't have time for things, well you know what? If they asked you to check out their story and you aren't able to...go to the first page and tap vote, you don't have to even read it. Doing this lets you know that they are trying and were brave enough to ask you so this means they are working hard annnnnnnnd you wont feel guilty about not reading the story because One vote is one less than none. So just do a part in helping the WattpadSociety and tap or comment.

This message was brought to you by the struggling heart of NashtyGrier_KiLawley....All Rights Reserved @OfficallyWeirdToTheDeath(That's Me)

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