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The scent of grass after a heavy thunderstorm enveloped me and caused strange kind of happiness and secure to run through my body as I shyly hugged him.

Ciro's smile seemed to be brighter than the sun and filled the room with such a warmth that I couldn't help but feel at home when I stepped into his apartment.

The faint sounds of the turned-on television were to be heard and the smell of freshly brewed tea welcomed me as I sat onto his couch, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"What happened Bella? You look so concerned"

The worry in Ciro's voice caused my heart to flutter but I simply nodded, not even the ghost of smile playing on my lips.

"I need to ask you something and I would really appreciate it if you could do this for me, I mean it's a big favor and I would return-"

The handsome Italian interrupted me with a deep chuckle before his eyes that remind me of the sparkling sea in the beaming sunlight, locked with mine.

"You're cute when you're rambling Bella, but just tell me what you want me to do"

The faint blush that probably creeped onto my cheeks made the situation even more awkward but I tried to focus on why I had come here in the first place.

"Could you ask Chisio about his lovelife? Maybe tell him about a beautiful girl you want him to meet or something, I need to know if he's honest and loyal or the exact contrast. I thought I could ask you because Claudio doesn't know we're seeing each other and-"

"It's alright Bella, I'll do it"

Their training shirts are soaked with sweat when their coach finally dismissed them; the practise was hard but totally worth it, especially for Ciro.

Ciro had been injured for a long time and he is glad that he is making tiny steps into the right direction.

He snaps out of his thoughts when a figure bumps into him quite hardly, causing him to stumble and almost fall over. Claudio Marchisio's light brown hair is the first thing that catches his eyes; the apologetic look is the next.

"Sorry bro, I didn't see you there"

"Of course you haven't" I mutter under my breath, silent enough for Claudio not to hear before he quickly adds, "no problem mate"

Marchisio smiles assured and seems to want to turn around again but Ciro places his hand on his teammate's shoulder to hold him back.

"Claudio, man"


"I haven't seen you and Isabella together in a while, are you two alright?"

Immobilé's question makes the face expression of the handsome midfielder change; his eyebrows knit and he almost looks concerned when he sighs deeply.

"Can I tell you something without you talking to others about it?"

"Of course Claudio, we're mates" Ciro lies, realizing that this conversation suddenly gets pretty serious when Chisio's voice drops to a whisper.

"Things haven't been the same again. I am strangely growing tired of her; the sex is good as it always was but her personality bores me to death"

Ciro sends his teammate a shocked glance but he only shrugs his shoulders.

"What are you going to do about it? Breaking up should be the best"

Marchisio shakes his head rapidly and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"No, having two women at once is clearly more satisfying than one could imagine"

I wrapped my arms around the tall Italian's neck and started crying into his chest, only being able to feel the slow, gentle circles he rubbed with his hands onto the small of my back.


uhm... I am sorry guys

🌾Team Marella or Team Cirella?🌾

Dedicated to starrycoffee ☺️💘

Thank you so much for reading guys!🌸

Potensy | MarchisioTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon