Louis - Game Night (Patricia)

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Requested by: PatLiamHarryNiall101
(Part two for Cuddle Time Punch Fest)

"Hey Patricia?" Louis dragged out my name, me sighing and turning towards him.

"What, Lou?" I groaned, just wanting to relax and watch High School Musical.

"I invited the lads over," He grinned at me.

"Lou," I frowned, laying back down and squeezing my eyes shut.

"I'm tired and cramping and I'm always so bored when they're here and I just-" I started rambling and Louis covered my mouth with his hand. I licked his hand, him tearing it away.

"Ew! God, Pat! What was that for?" He wiped his hand on his pants, and I simply laughed.

"You don't complain when I lick your-"

"Pat! The children!" Louis screeched, and I laughed. Our cat, Socks, jumped onto the couch, her timing perfect.

"Oh whatever," I mumbled, petting the cat and returning my attention to the movie. Right when they started singing about 'sticking it to the status quo'- how ironic, considering they're telling Troy not to sing by singing- there was a loud knocking on the door. Louis quickly jumped up, opening the door to reveal Harry, Liam and Niall. They all started speaking loudly, and I groaned. There went my peaceful day with Louis.  Everybody crowded onto the couch, and I was stuck between Harry and Niall.

"Hey Pat," Harry grinned, nudging my shoulder.

"Hey." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Pat, can I talk to you?" Louis whispered, a frown on his face. I sighed, getting up and following him to the kitchen.

"What Lou?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"Look, I'm going to be blunt. These are my four best lads, yeah? And I understand you want to spend time with me, but," He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Goddamn it, Patricia, you never give me any free time. So yeah, I was trying to make a better situation out of it, just me being with my favorite people. I'm sorry that you can't accept that but I have a life too, and-" I interrupted him by placing my lips on his. Guilt overwhelmed me, so I tried to prove through the kiss how sorry I was. We pulled away after a few moments, breathless.

"I'm sorry, Louis, I really am," I frowned, still trying to catch my breath. "I'm sorry that I'm so selfish," I shook my head, hoping that I wouldn't start crying like the baby I am.

"You're not selfish, baby," Louis frowned, kissing my nose. "I should've asked before I invited them over."

"No," I shook my head. "I shouldn't be keeping you to myself. Let's just spend this night with them, yeah?" He nodded, placing a delicate kiss on my lips.

"I love you, Patricia." He smiled.

"And I love you, Louis." We walked back to the living rooms, where the boys were setting up Monopoly.

"Let me guess, Harry's idea?" Louis laughed, sitting down on the floor and patting the space next to him.

"Yup. And I call banker!" He grinned, while we all rolled our eyes.

"Y'know nobody actually wants that role, right?" Liam laughed, rolling the dice.

Literally two hours later, I was laying on Louis half asleep. Harry and Niall were still battling it out for victory, both of them owning half of the board. Whatever money they lost, they would gain back so it seemed as if it would never end.

"Can we play Mario Kart while they finish this off?" I yawned, Louis and Liam nodding. We moved over to the TV, where Louis set up the Wii. I chose Peach, Louis chose Mario,-supposedly since he was my 'prince' and would always 'rescue me'- and Liam chose Yoshi. As we raced, I quickly woke up, cheering when I placed first. Liam was quickly behind me, and Louis was complaining about what a scam the game was when he placed eleventh.

"Get over it, mate. You can't drive in real life either," Liam laughed, shoving his shoulder. He stuck his bottom lip out, pouting. He pretended that Liam hit him hard enough to push him over, falling into my lap.

"Whatever," I mumbled, placing first on six more maps.

"You're cheating!" Louis whined, while I was jumping up and down in victory.

"Nope! I won fair and square, because I'm fabulous!" I laughed, Louis tackling me onto the couch. His fingers dug into my sides, causing me to squeal in laughter. "S-stop," I laughed, trying to shove the immature boy off of me.

"Not until you kiss me," He grinned, continuing to tickle me. I tried to reach my face to his, and after several attempts my lips met his. He hummed in approval, his hands staying still.

"Yes! I won! Ha!" Harry exclaimed, Lou and I both laughing against eachothers lips.

Louis was pulled off of me, and then I was pulled off the couch and into Harry's embrace.

"What are you doing," I laughed, trying to escape his grasp.

"We're the winners!" He had the biggest grin on his face, he was literally a child in an overgrown body. He finally let me go, where I retreated to Louis' body.

"So what now?" Niall asked.

"Scrabble!" Harry exclaimed.

"God no, all you do is make up words, and then we spend most of the time looking up if they're real words," Liam groaned, as Harry just shrugged.

"Whatever, your loss of a quality game." I simply laughed, the idea of spending nights with Louis' friends not seeming so bad anymore.


hiiiii patricia i hope you like it!! sorry it was so delayed x

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