Harry- He's a Vampire (April)

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April's P.O.V.

"See him over there? The new boy?" Tiffany, one of my close friends asks me over the lunch table, whilst pointing to the attractive, unfamiliar boy standing at the door of the dining hall. He was waiting for the popular boys to finish kissing their girlfriends , and scoff a sandwich, before heading to the school field to smoke before class starts again. How do I know this, well, after a few tall and devilishly handsome new boys, you start to see a trend as to what social group they end up in, and what they end up doing.

"Erm, yeah. The one with the curly hair?" I ask half interested in what shes saying. I mean, whats going to be so different about this one? It's not like I'll ever talk to him.

"Yes! Isn't he gorgeous?" She cries, a little too loud, causing the hall to drop a few decibels for moments, before returning to to it's usual hustle and bustle that i cant help but think resembles an East-end market place.

"Yeah i suppose." I reply, taking a bite of my sandwich. I watch as his body escapes through the door, followed by the popular boys.

"Why did he have to be friends with them? They won't appreciate his good looks like we would!" Tiffany jokes.

"We?" Luke chipped in. He raised an eyebrow before continuing with his lunch.

"Sorry, but come on April! You know he's fit! Can you please just 'fan girl' a little with me?" Her eyes plea with me, but i refuse to give in, knowing that she does this every time someone relativity attractive arrives at the school.

"What's so different about this one then?" I ask, exasperated. I exhale deeply, popping the lid back onto my lunchbox and dropping it into my bag. Trying to sort my head of my next task this lunch time, I tap my thigh repetitively.

"Did you not see him? He's at least 6 feet tall, cool as a cucumber, has good style, even if it's just a white tee and black jeans- he still looks hot..." Tiffany continues her list but I stop listening the second I remember I have Maths homework due in for next period.

"Yeah, but have you spoken to him? What if he's an a*** hole?" I say, giving an answer so good she wont suspect that I haven't been listening for a good minute and a half.

"Well, no, but I don't need to. Guys with green eyes don't lie," Luke, Josh and Katie all laugh, "no seriously guys, they don't. I read it in my magazine."

"Why are guys with green eyes immune? Or are they just so good at lying you cant tell?"  Josh asks, thinking she's barking mad.

As the discussion continues, the bell sounds, signalling that I should put my half finished homework into my bag and head for Maths room 204.

We lined up outside the class room, I say lined up, what I mean is that we gathered around the door, pushing each other until someone falls into the classroom and asks to enter. Once the inevitable happens, Mr Mavis, who looked more annoyed than ever, ordered us to line up at the side of the wall.

"Right class, I think you've been having it pretty easy so far this year, sitting by who you want, having a damn good chat," I would if my friends were in this class... " but that stops now. You've got your exams in a few months are you really need to get yourselves into gear and step up. So, from left to right, front to back, I want Lidia here and Johnny here..." Mr Mavis continues.

Maths isn't my favourite subject, i mean why else would i be in bottom set, but maybe if he was nicer to us, the class would perhaps try more?  "April here, Harry here. Sophie here, Lucas here..." I move to the seat that was assigned to me and plonk myself down. Great, I'm at the back. This means I have six months of note passing, whispering, snickering and barely hearing what Mr stroppy pants is saying . So basically, no matter how hard I try, I've failed maths.

Just as I'm about to go into full strop mode, Tiffany's dream boy slips into the seat next to me.

"Hi" He tells me, scanning my body waist to head and back again before turning back to the front of the class.

"Hi" I reply, doing the same, noticing how his short curls bounce when he turns his head, the way his mouth crinkles into his cheeks, the mole on the side of his neck, everything. Tiff was right, he is gorgeous...


So sorry this is a short one, but i really want to do a few parts to this imagine and give it what it deserves. Please let us know, especially on this chapter, what you think and if you want more. Obviously, I don't want to waste my time on something that people don't want to read :)

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