Harry - You're Ill (Raqiya)

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Requested by: RaqiyaWarsame

Raqiya's POV
My head was pounding. My nose was streaming. My eyes were puffy. I am not in the mood to talk, look or even think about being sociable.
I have been staying with Harry, my boyfriend of three years, whilst he was on tour. We have been apart for so long and when we are finally together, I get terribly sick. I haven't been well for a few days, but it's seemed to have worsened. Yesterday I was still able to sit, front row, at his concert, but now, even the thought of moving out of bed stung my brain. I think I'll just snuggle back up, in our $1,000 room-per night- bed, and forget that today even happened. It'll just be a dream.
Less that 20 minutes later.
"Morning babe!" Harry bounces onto the bed next to me, waking me up abruptly.
"What?" I say, stirring out of my sleeping state and into reality where my body aches.
"You've overslept! We were going to go shopping for Jason's wedding today! You know, you were going to drag me round all your boutique shop things? You were going to tell me what to wear so that we'd match? Come on babe! Get dressed!" Harry bounced on the bed, trying to liven me up.
"Sorry baby, I don't feel very well. You know I've been ill all week. I'm sorry" I say as I stroke his hand that was placed by my side, wishing he'd stop bouncing in the bed.
"Ohhh no!" He shouts, irritating me and hurting my head.
"Is it okay if I just stay in bed today? Can we go shopping tomorrow? You have tomorrow off still don't you?" I ask as Harry moves into the other side of the bed and then gets under the covers with me.
"Nah I don't, they've scheduled me an individual interview. You know, because of the hiatus, they wanna know that we'll still be together after having some time off." Harry replies and turns the TV on. He places his arm around me and pulls me in for a cuddle. The trouble was that I'm not on the mood for cuddles, kisses or anything of the sort. I'm in a bad mood and I'm hot and sweating and all I want right now is to be left alone. It's not that I don't love Harry, I honestly do, I just need my space when I'm ill.
"Oh, okay. Can I just get your stuff then babes? I know your size and what you would wear and wouldn't." I reply, pulling out of the embrace and placing my head back onto my own pillow.
"yeah sure" he smiles. Instead of getting the hint that I didn't want to cuddle, he starts stroking my forehead with his soft fingertips.
"We'll just spend the day in bed baby." He stares intently into my eyes, what seemed to be lust filled them. Does he really think that I'm in the mood to do that right now?
"I'm not in the mood Harry. I'm ill. Why would you wanna sleep with me if I'm ill. That's just gross" I start on him. Irritation had taken over.
I moodily thee the covers from the bed off me and I stormed out of the room into our bathroom. I just needed to cool off. I slammed the door and ran myself a bath. I needed to chill. I needed to just be alone. I don't mean to be mean to Harry, it's just sometimes he's too tactile. Once the bath was full, and at the appropriate temperature, I slipped in. I need to just let my problems be soaked out of me.
Three little knocks on the door sounded, and I new they were Harry. The door opened slowly to reveal Harry's cute little face. He came in and sat by the side of the bath. He was holding a bottle of bubble bath with 'soothing smells' infused in it. God I love him. Harry in screwed the cap of the huddle bath and poured it in by the tap.
"I didn't mean to snap at you, Harry" guilt had replaced the irritation within me. I felt so bad.
"It's okay baby, I know what you're like when you're ill. You always just want your space. I'll leave you to it today, yeah?" Harry replied as he started to stroke my forehead again. He knows I love it when he does it. He's so sweet.
"No, I was wrong. I want you to spend today with me, if you want to that is. I know spending the day with a grouch isn't your favourite thing to do" I say, closing my eyes and smiling in his direction.
"Of course I want to spend the day with you, I'll be at your service" he says with a warm voice. He is honesty the most loving boyfriend in the world.


Hi, thank you so much for being so patient! My laptop broke so I've had no way to write my imagine comfortably. I hope this is okay as I've had to do it on my phone so there may be a few more mistakes than usual:') i have also just started school again, so I'm much busier than usual. I hope the work will ease up so that I can write more frequently on both of my accounts:)

Thanks again! & thanks for all of the reads! Cannot believe that it's not even been a month since we started this!

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