Harry - Book Store (Brittany)

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Requested by: BrittanyCorrine

I pulled my beanie farther onto my head, the cold winter air making me shiver. The snow was coming down quickly, and I had no doubt it would become a blizzard soon enough. I decided there was no way I'd be making it home in time, so I entered this little run-down book store a few shops ahead of me. I was immediately met with warmth, which felt so nice. I smiled at the woman standing by the register.

"Good thing you stopped in, apparently there's a blizzard coming," I nodded.

"Yeah, looked like it, figured I could rough it out here?" I pulled the gloves off of my hands, putting them into my bag. I started rubbing my hands together, bringing as much warmth as possible.

"Of course, honey. There's one other boy here, quite cute if I do say so," She giggled, causing me to smile. "I don't see anybody else coming in or leaving soon." I nodded. "Oh, and you can take your coat off and stuff here. There's a fireplace in the back, and some stuff to make hot chocolate."

"Thank you," I smiled at her, stripping from my poofy coat and scarf. I then made my way to the back, a nice mug of hot cocoa sounding wonderful. I saw a male figure sitting in a chair in front of the fire place. As if he sensed my presence, he turned to face me. I felt my heart swoon as we made eye contact, his emerald eyes burning into my memory. His hair fell in loose, messy curls on his shoulder, and God he looked so gorgeous.

"Hi, 'm Harry," He mumbled, raising the mug to his lips. I noticed a book sitting in his lap, which I recognized to be Pride and Prejudice. A boy who reads quality literature... nice. I noticed his hand was stretched towards me, so I quickly reached mine own out to shake it.

"Brittany." I smiled, not wanting to pull my hand away as his were incredibly soft and warm. His gaze on me lingered for quite a while, until he awkwardly coughed and retracted his hand. I politely nodded, making my way to the table and prepared myself a hot chocolate. Once I added my marshmallows, I walked back and sat in the seat across from Harry.

"So, it seems we'll be stuck here quite a bit," He chuckled, his voice making my heart flutter. I admired how he spoke with such precision, speaking slowly to make sure each word was properly pronounced. He flipped the page on his book, not-so-subtly glancing at me as he did so.

"Seems so," I laughed, a slight blush tinting my cheeks. I pulled my phone out, my savior in situations like this. I groaned when I saw my signal was out, likely due to the snow storm. I returned it to my purse, humming as I looked around, trying my hardest to avoid the insanely attractive boy seated across from me.

"Y'know you're in a bookstore, yeah? There's books." He chuckled, dog-earing his page and closing the book.

"Well, yeah, I just don't wanna," I huffed, finally meeting his gaze. My breath caught in my throat, so I coughed trying to cover it up. A knowing smirk appeared on Harry's face, him rising from the chair and walking towards me. He held his hand out in front of me, smiling.

"Well would you like to dance?" I raised my eyebrow, grabbing his hand. He gently pulled me onto my feet, twirling me. A giggle involuntairly left my mouth, causing me to blush.

"With no music?" I laughed, while he thought.

"Hm, one minute then," His hand left mine, the warmth leaving as well. He reached for his phone, scrolling through until I heard Roman Holiday by Halsey playing through the speakers.

"You listen to Halsey?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck while he rested his hands on my hips.

"Well of course, quality music," He laughed, smiling down at me. My heart fluttered. This was such a strange situation, I had just met this boy but he already made me feel things and here I was dancing.

"I don't even know you," I mumbled, resting my head on his chest.

"Well, 'm Harry Styles, 21 years old, grew up in Cheshire but now 'm here in Manchester... Erm, my favorite color is blue and I'm pretty sure the pizza man judges me for only getting cheese on it," He started rambling, causing my heart to swoon. This boy was the definition of perfection it seemed. I scanned my brain, trying to find some sort of flaw in the lanky boy in front of me but all I could think was perfection.

"Is it crazy to say I like you when we've probably known eachother for like, forty minutes?" I awkwardly laughed, looking up at him.

"If that's crazy, then man you better put me into a mental hospital," He laughed, causing me to shake my head. Once our laughter calmed down, he spoke again.

"Knock knock," He tried to hold back his laughs already.

"Who's there?" I sighed, looking up at him.

"A cow goes." He bit his lip, small laughs escaping.

"A cow goes who?" I shook my head, trying my hardest not to laugh at the horrible joke.

"No, silly!" He tapped my nose, grinning like a child. "A cow goes moo!" He burst into laughter, letting go of me so he could double over. I then started laughing, more so over his behaviour than the joke itself. Once he calmed down, he smirked, pulling me into a hug.

"I like you, Brittany. You're warm." He hummed in contentment, placing a kiss on top of my head and making my heart burst.

"I like you, you give nice hugs," I laughed, looking up so our gazes could meet.

"Not the only thing I'm good at." He winked, as I groaned and shoved him away.

"Oh whatever, I want more hot cocoa," I laughed, sitting back down and drinking my beverage which wasn't so warm anymore. We spent the rest of the night, learning about eachother and drinking warm beverages while we toughed out the storm outside.

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