Chapter Ten: Dead And Alive

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I'm sitting on the grassy, but purple, land of Bandle City, back where Lulu lived. My heart still hurts, a lot.

I can barely hear the insistent voices of my friends.



"Are you okay?"

Of course not.

"Missy, you still alive?"

I wish I wasn't.

After a while, they leave me alone. Thank God.

I take the bow off from my back, fingering the intricate detail of the ice. I lay on my back, my head resting on my quiver, and my eyes about to shut close. Then something explodes, and someone screams.

I stand up, my eyes snapping open, and my brain on full alert. There's a fire that's started somewhere, and my eyes water from the smoke. I cough, and put my hand in front of my face, trying to find my friends.

"Jacob, Leilah?" I shout out, turning around frantically. I need to get out of here. Someone rushes by my side, and I face them.

"Come on, Missy," Jacob says, trying to pull me out of town.

"But I can't leave them here," I tell him, trying to resist.

"They're gone, Missy," He says.

"You're lying!" I scream, and out of the corner of my eye, enemy Thresh tries to hook me in. I dodge, the claw missing me by inches.

"Leilah wouldn't want you to die," Jacob says, pleading with me. I nod, and together, we run. We get out of town, and head towards Freljord, towards the ice, towards home.

My head spins, Home, I think. I shake my head. The ice is doing something to me, it's changing me. It's turning me into Ashe, and I think Jacob knows that too.

I stop abruptly, and so does Tryndamere. I mean, Jacob.

"We can't, Jaaaaacobbbb," I slur his name, and for a second, I forget Jacob, and the only thing that sticks in my mind is Tryndamere, Tryndamere, Tryndamere.

"We don't have a choice. We either submit, or we die. We can't fight, Ash--Missy, but Ashe and Tryndamere can." He says, trying to reason with me. I sigh.

"You're right." I tell him, and he looks relieved. He takes a hold of my hand, sending little sparks up my arm. He looks at me with something Paul had lost in the battlefield.


"Just know, "Jacob says, and he shuffles closer, "Before we get totally taken over, just know that before, I liked you. A lot." We move closer together, our noses almost touching, and our lips about to meet.

Then something stabs me from behind, and I gasp. I slump into Tryndamere, and my mind clouds over. 

I am Ashe.

I turn around, quickly unleashing rounds and rounds of arrows. Tryndamere helps me by stabbing his way through the enemy territory.

I unleash a volley of arrows, but I'm already at 5% health. Someone throws a familiar circular boomerang at my chest, and I know it's over.

"Goodbye, Tryndamere!" I choke out, and he rushes towards me.

"My love!" He catches me as I fall to the ground. My eyes start to flutter closed, and suddenly, he's stabbed from behind with a wicked looking blade.

His eyes widen, and so do mine, and he opens his mouth slightly, drops of blood dripping out of his mouth.

I put my arms around my husband, and my eyes start to close. A figure drifts over to us, and soft, twinkling voice says:

"You've sacrificed ourselves. Here is your reward."


I open my eyes, and push myself up. I look around, and I marvel at how Heaven looks like my real room.

"God?" I ask, looking up at the ceiling of the room.

"Nope, just Jacob!" Jacob plops on my bed, and I groan in pain. I lift away the covers, and my cotton tee shirt, revealing a dark red gash across my stomach.

He whistles, and I cringe at the sound.

"How are we still alive?" He asks me. I startle.

"You mean, it wasn't a dream?" I ask him. He shakes his head, and suddenly, I remember.

"A sacrifice." I tell him, and when he gives me a confused look, I explain, "We all had to sacrifice ourselves."

"Gavin, Leilah, Kaitie, and Andrea all died so we could live." He draws out slowly, "And you and I," He pauses, as if embarrassed, "We, um, we--" I interrupt him.

"Jacob, "I whisper, "It's okay. You don't have to say anything."

"No," He tells me, "I do." He takes a deep breath, and then blurts out, "We sacrificed, we sacrificed our feelings." I smile at him.

"We did." I tell him, and then something comes to mind, "What about Susan?"

"We saw her, you know, at the fight?" He asks, "She sacrificed her friendship, but she knew that we would survive somehow, because her face...her face wasn't evil."

"So, who's left?" I ask him, and suddenly, my door bursts open, and Susan falls into my room, her arm bleeding severely. Jacob curses with vigor,

"I'll get the first aid kit!" Jacob says, and rushes out towards the bathroom.

"Susan?" I ask her, afraid to be disappointed, "Is that you?"

Her voice is muffled by my carpeted floor, but when she lifts her head, I recognize her face. I gently lower myself from my bed, and crawl towards her.

I lean her against my open door, and she smiles gratefully.

"I guess it's just us then, huh?" She asks, and I nod, tears flowing down my face, and when Jacob comes back to my room with some gauze and aspirin, the only thing that comes to mind is:

"How are we going to explain all this?"



SO YEAH!!!! This fan fic is finally over. I'm glad I finished, and I hope you like it!


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