1. Leaving

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Zoe's Pov:
Today I get to leave! I finally get to leave this place! I have all my bags packed and now I'm just waiting for Sam to get here.

I bring all my bags down stairs and look around thinking "wow I'm not gonna miss this place,"
I look behind me to see my mom and "dad", even though he's far from one.
I go to my mom and hug her.

"Stay safe hun," my mom says to me and I just nod into her.

She walks out of the room and I'm left with him.
"What no hug for me," he says with a smirk.

The smell of alcohol is so strong in his breath as the words escape his mouth. I just stare at him in fear and try to back away from him. But he grabs my arm and smacks me across the face.
I start to cry but thankfully before he can do any more damage I hear Sam honk his horn and I grab all my stuff and run out of the house.

"What happened to you Zoe?" Sam ask with concern in his voice.
"Him," I say looking down in shame.
He just nods knowing what could have happened. He gives me a quick hug and kiss on the forehead as we start are long drive to the new house.

        *Time skip to the house*

I fell a sleep halfway into the trip and I was still asleep until I felt hands wrap around me and carry me. I just cuddled back into the person and stayed like that until I was put onto a bed.
But I couldn't sleep so I got up and walked back downstairs to see a group of boys talking until I stepped into the room and all eyes were on me.

"Guys this is my sister Zoe I've been telling you all about," Sam says coming up and putting his arm around me.

"Hey Zoe, I'm Connor," the boy with amazing green eyes says, I can already tell he's gonna be a great friend.
"I'm Trevor," a boy who looks about my age says.
"Hi I'm Jc," a boy with curly hair and a beanie says. He also seems like a great friend.
"I'm Ricky," says the boy with a lisp says. But he's giving off a weird vibe.
"And um I'm Kian," a tall boy says. He's really cute I will say.
"I'm Zoe," I say in my little voice making them awe.
We're all just staring at each other but it's kind of weird since everyone is so much taller then me but that's okay.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Jc recommends

There were many Yeas and Sures and soon everyone is making there way to the couch. I sit in between Connor and Sam on the couch well Kian and Ricky share the two person couch and Jc and Trevor sit on the floor.

I look up at Connor and smile causing him to smile back.
The movie starts and I get up to get something to drink.

"Anyone want anything to drink?" I ask getting up.

Everyone says Arizona tea so I head to the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick guys," I hear Ricky say.
My back is turned as I'm pouring Arizona Iced Tea into 7 cups until I feel someone pressed up against my back and butt.

I turn around real quick to see Ricky looking down at me with a smirk.

"Can I help you?" I say trying to get away.
"Yea you can, you could meet me in my room," he says grabbing my arm.
"R-Ricky please l-l-let me go," I say starting to panic.

He just looks down at me with that stupid smirk and let's go and smacks my butt. I quickly grab the cups and run back into the tv room.
I hand everyone there cups and go back to my spot still shaking.
"Hey you ok?" Connor whispers to me.
"Huh? Yea I think I'm just really tired," I say back with my famous fake smile. He just nods unsure and looks back at the tv.
"I'm gonna go to bed," I say getting up.
"Goodnight," everyone says as I head upstairs.

This was a little awkward😂
Also just to let everyone know, I love Ricky. I just needed someone to be the bad guy and he was the chosen.
But anyways yea I love Ricky and think he is so great and a amazing human being:)

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