She fell out

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I apologize for staying away so long. I had alot come up. I got injured in sports and have been in therapy for like forever plus school is really taking a toll. Im going to try to update again today. May not be for this book hut you know. Sorry that its short but here ya go.
Beast pov)
I watched the girl enter my domain. She was timid and rightly scared to death. I knew she would come because her father was a cool. He would easily give up his daughter so that he could live. He was and still is pitiful. But he did say something right to me. He said his daughter was beautiful and she is. She was more beautiful than the sun and the moon that keeps me trapped in this dungeon home of mine.
As the girl walked down the corridor i quickly spoke the words to let the hallway light at her feet. Id hate for her to bruise her beautiful skin. That skin that I would kill to lick and taste for myself. I followed the young woman from a distance as she continued into my home. I watched as she peered into the dining room and hope that would go in and try the feast that i had prepared for her but no she continued on. Did she not like the food got for her? Maybe she wasnt hungry? I sighed to myself, i want her to feel comfortable here. The girl headed to the rose garden when i finally spoke my kind. "Where are you going? Why not eat?" The gorl spun around and looked me in the eye though i doubt she could see me, and then just fainted. She fainted on my floors!! What a disgrace. She may be beautiful but she might also be stupid. I quietly padded towards her and picked her up before heading to my chambers. She would spend the nights with me by my side.


(Akila's pov)

When i woke up i was on something soft. It felt like the finest silk even better than the ones my father used to sell. I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was in a fiant bed room. The walls were painted jet black and the bed sheets were black as well. Someone really likes this color. Because of thelack of lighting i could not see very far and tell what else was in the room. I tried to sit up completely in the bed when i felt something coil around my side slowly. I felt myself stiffen at the sensations before i felt it pull me to the side and back onto the bed. At first i thought i wasn't pure anymore and that if i escaped my father could never sell me off to a good family. I was damaged goods. I was a failure to myself and my bloodline. I thought this right before my body hit something fluffy and.....breathing? My voice hitched in my throat before i looked up to see a pair of shining red orbs.

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