The Begining Part 1

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Akila's Pov

My father left to go to Arabia and soon returned not long ago speaking of a beast that lived in the desert.

»»»»»»»»»»fathers tale««««««««««
I walked up the winding pathway to the front of this mysterious home . I knocked on the door and it swung open free out of free will. I cautiously walked in and came to a dining room. The long table was adorned with the finest silk cloth and silverware I have ever seen. Food steaming hot sat upon the table with no one there to it eat. I had thought to myself 'why let such good food go to waste.'

I had gorged myself until nothing else would fit in my mouth and two buttons had popped from my shirt and then I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and the table that I had eaten off of had been cleared.
I stood and stretched to leave when I caught sight of a garden of roses on the other side of the passage and I thought 'oh how Akila would love such a beautiful flower'

I went to the garden only to find a gate blocking me from what I had desired. I reached through to grab the rose and when I took hold of it and broke it off its branch, a roar sounded through the castle.

I sharply turned around to see a monster that cannot be described standing right there. It growled at me and I saw it hackles rise. "Did you take one of my roses?" It asked. Its voice was full of anger that was barely maintained.
"Yes," I said.
"Did you not notice the gate between you and it?" It said getting closer. "What do you think the gate was for?"

"To keep people out?" I whimpered.
"THEN WHY IS ONE OF MY ROSES IN YOUR HAND!" It roared. Saliva had rolled down the sides of its mouth, eyes wide with madness.

"I'm sorry, it was for my daughter,"
Those words silenced the beast. "You have a daughter" it inquired, slowing walking around me.
"Yes," I whispered barely audible to my own ears. "Her name is Akila. She is only 17."

"Is she beautiful?" It asked sounding slightly curious.

"If you'd excuse a father's pride, yes," I said.

The beast was soon in my face. "You shall bring your daughter here in two days time or I shall come for you and you will know my wrath." It said as it turned to leave.

"Please, please," I begged. "You cannot take my only daughter from me. She is all that I have!"

"Then are you willing to take her place?"

I was quiet. Deathly quiet. The beast seemed to snort as it walked into the shadows saying "Remember you have two days" and then it was gone.

I had decided to take my fathers place. He deserved to spend the rest of his life as he chooses. After mother dies when I was young he could not do much of what he wanted because of me. He could not hang out with friends late and drink or go out to meet other ladies because I was at home and he did not want to disrupt my life. Father forbaded me to go but I was willing to go for my father for I loved him so. I will depart on the morning.

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