A tough time

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I want to thank Jammer0602 and cicily_flores for reminding me to update. I truly had forgotten about this book. So this one is for you two.

Beast pov

The girl looked at me with fear and wonderment in her eyes. She gulped in fear as she shivered in excitement. This here is the reason that I dont like humans. They can never pick a feeling.
I slowly moved my muzzle forward to nuzzle her. She continued to quake, probably because she's an idiot. I pressed my nose to her neck and inhaled sharply to smell her sweet scent. Oh how i loved her smell of honeydew and cinnamon.
I wanted to eat her. She smelled so delectable and she was physically pleasing to the eyes. All good qualities for any entree. My tongue rolled out to the shivering girl that seemed to have picked fear as her main emotion. Maybe she wasnt that big of an idiot, and rolled from her neck to the juncture of her jaw. Her sweet fragrance assaulted my tongue ad my tastebuds erupted in pleasure! I growled in satisfaction.
I felt the girl squirm on the bed. I quickly hooked her around the waste with my paw and drew her nearer, pressing her into my beastly form and quickly returned to my assault on her neck. I licked her till she became wet all over body. The sweat poured from her skin and her breath was labored as she felt herself being taken by mu tongue. I was quite enjoying myself when I heard something in the night. I perked up my ears till I heard it again before I quickly dislodged myself from the girl and left.

Akilah's pov

The monster left me wet on the bed as it stalked silently on four paws out of the room. The beast had taken its time with me and I was disgusted but more importantly, tired. I figured the beast would not return tonight so i quietly stripped of all my clothing and fell asleep under the covers.


I awoke to a weird sensation of something trailing across my skin. I immediately thought of the beast and shot up from bed, only to be pushed down by a weight on my body. I opened my eyes to see a woman. She was beautiful. Her eyes were the color of liquid gold and her skin the color of the enriched land that I heard came from the far south deserts. She smiled sweetly before she leaned forward and her lips brushed mine. I closed my eyes at the soft feel of her lips and nearly groaned when hers left mine. I felt a flow of cold air as the woman left my body. I opened my eyes to see her off the bed with a robe on and another hanging in her hand. She offered it to me quietly and I graciously took it. Without her body heat next to mine. I felt cold. After I put on the robe the woman turned to leave.

"Wait! Who are you?"

"I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself" she said turning around as the sweet tilt of her accent floated from her lips. "My name is Chandra- Rashmi. In your language, I believe it translates to 'precious silver ray of light' but you may call me Rashmi. Its what everyone calls me."

Rashmi looked at me with such kind eyes, I was mesmerized. "Oh, my name is Akila."

She held out her hand. "Its a pleasure to meet you"

As our hands touched a roar sounded throughout the castle and Rashmi sighed. "Not again."

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