Chapter 2: The New Life Form

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I found myself starting through the diamond-shaped holes of a fence topped menacingly with barbed wire at a huge brick building gaurded by touch secret agent-looking fellows. It was nearly nightfall now, and rain clouds moved in. The Doctor thought hard, his mind working like a machine.

"Alright, we walk right through the front door," he finally said. I looked at him like he'd gone insane.

"You're kidding. Look at those guys. They're huge. I'm tiny. You're practically a twig. What strategy could you possibly have up your sleeve?" I put my hands on my hips and gave him a stern look.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a wallet, and opened it to show me a small piece of blank rectangular paper.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, cracking a smile.

"Psychic paper. It shows people what I want them to see," he said with a smug smile.

"And you want me to see a blank piece of paper?" I giggled.

"No, no... that's not right." He looked at it, then smiled again. "Here."

When he showed it to me again, I was looking at a very official-looking document saying he was with the US FBI.

"I'm impressed, Doctor. To the front door we go." I began walking.

"Not like that you're not," he said. I turned around and gave him a confused glare.

"Not like what?"

The Doctor motioned up and down with his hand. "This get up you've got going on." He grabbed my hand and started walking back towards town.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to the TARDIS, of course."

"Tortoise?" I asked, confused by his thick accent and also the word.

"Not tortoise. I'm not flying around in a giant, not to mention, ancient turtle, for Christ sake. TARDIS. T-A-R, D-I-S." He smiled back at me and made my heart melt and face flush all over again. I tried to hide it as we reached his blue box, or TARDIS, or whatever.

He went inside, leaving the door open just a crack. I stood there, waiting for him to come back out, assuming that there wasn't enough room in the box to get changed with him in there. He stuck his head back out and motioned me in.

"Well come on! We don't have all day, you know."

"How am I supposed to--"

"Just come on. You'll see."

Skeptical, I pushed open the door and stepped inside. My heart felt like it jumped from my chest to the top of my brain. It was huge in there. Fancy, with all kinds of technology. I knew it was a space ship, but I didn't expect this, plus I thought he was bluffing.

"Holy shit!" The words just fwll out of my mouth as I walked around the center, staring at everything.

"Welcome to the TARDIS, my dear. You're going to want to go straight down that hall, take a left, another left, and it'll be the first room to the right." He shoved me toward the direction he was referring to, muttering to himself for me to hurry up.

I was amazed. I adapted well to this situation because I hate over-emotional people and because I loved being in new situations. The hall seemed to go forever, then I took a left, another left, and opened the first door to my right.

It was a good sized space, and looked to be an empty dressing room. There were hanger and hooks and cupboards. I quickly changed into the outfit The Doctor had given me. It was a tight fitting white collared shirt with dress pants. My boots went with the outfit just fine, so I tied up my hair and walked back out to the main room, or whatever.

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