Chapter 5: Burn the Witch

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I apologize for the lengthy time in between updates, to anyone who reads this... Homework hell had me in it's grip, but expect some new material on both this fanfic and my other recent one, "The New Rose"!! The next few chapters are more like a delightful a mash up between Doctor Who and Salem... Please enjoy!

"This," the Doctor looked around, "is Salem, 1692." We stopped in the middle of the town and I took it in.

Salem was horrid. The smell, the overcrowded streets, the feel of the enviroment itself. I shivered as I looked up at three bodies hanging on display, disgusted that it was okay to put something like that where everyone could see. But God, I was in my element. History was taking place before my eyes.

"It's far from magical, but it's still very extraordinary, " I said, beaming up at my handsome man.

Suddenly, the church bell rang and everyone stopped all at once. They all out down their things and headed towards the church. I looked around, confused. "What are they all doing?" I asked.

"It's a meeting. Someone has something to say," the Doctor replied. We blended in with the crowd and followed their lead.

"Oo, I wonder if it's about witches," I said excitedly.

"Probably so," the Doctor replied. "It's very popular subject here. But I know it's not really witches because I captured them all."

I looked up at him skeptically. "Really?"

"Well, I helped. Shakespeare did most of the work."

"Shakespeare? You're kidding," I laughed.

"Nope, the very one," he said with a smile.

"You just keep blowing my mind, Doctor," I muttered as we passed under the threshold of the crowded church. The Doctor and I stood in the back, and as a heavy set man stood up, the room grew silent.

"As you know, in this very dark time, witches roam here in Salem. Until now, you all have had your doubts, but here!"

A young girl was brought center stage. She was crying, sobbing as her handler gripped the fabric of her dirty dress in his fist.

"This young girl, Abigail Fletcher, is a witch!"

The room filled with whisper and unease. Quickly, a red haired woman stood up, a baby nestled into her arms. "Abigail is an innocent child! Who are you to damn her to such accusation?!" she cried. I gripped the Doctor's sleeve in anticipation.

"This is the first witch," he whispered in my ear. I looked at him, then back at the crowded room. The heavy set man became red in the face, sweat beading on his brow as he glared down at the woman who had spoken.

"Be silent, woman! I am the leader of this town, and I cannot be swayed by such useless folk as yourself," he growled at her. The woman became silent, although you could almost feel the waves of hate coming off of her.

"This town has been poisoned by witches doing the devil's work. It has not gone unseen. No... I am not the only one who has noticed. I am not the only one who has heard the whispers in the woods at night. And I will see every last witch burn!"

With that, the building cleared. People had very solemn looks on their faces as the went back to their work. I turned to the Doctor for what to do next. He had a very concerned look on his face as well, and that scared me just a bit. If the Doctor had reason to be concerned, then this was serious.

"Doctor?" I said, breaking into his thoughts. He looked down at me and smiled slightly. "Something's wrong, isn't it?"

"Not quite, but not everything is right either," he said. I cocked my head in confusion at him.

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