Chapter 4: New Heights

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The Doctor put up his hands as if surrendering to the creature.

"You're probably scared, all alone. I'm here to help you. Are you alright, little fellow?" He inched closer; I held my breath.

The light around the creature faded, become less bright as the doctor approached it. Its eyes began to glisten.

"We're here for you, it's alright. We didn't mean to startle you," The Doctor said.

Suddenly, the creature began to cry. The light was almost out, and tears that sparkled like stardust streamed down its cheeks. It's voice was small and cute, and it sniffled, looking at me. It quickly floated over to me, snuggling into my coat like a cat.

"See, it was just scared. And it likes you." The Doctor smiled and I reached down to pet the poor little thing. It shocked me when I touched it, but more like a static shock than a electric shock. It was furry, and soft. It seemed to purr when I stroked its fur.

"We're keeping it. Its name is Blue now," I said, and it seemed to smile up at me and floated beside me.

The Doctor seemed uneasy, squirming almost. His face was screwed up with uneasiness. I giggled. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well... it's like a cat, isn't it?" he asked, scratching his forehead.

"Kind of, yeah," I replied, petting Blue again.

"I'm not really a... cat person..." he said, going all uneasy and squirmy again.

"Get over it," I said with a smile and nudged him a bit before heading for the door. "Well, are we going or not?"

The Doctor smiled. "I suppose so, but if that thing sheds, that's it for me," he joked. I laughed and smiled up at him. This adventure wasn't so bad for a last day studying abroad.

We found a backpack on our way out and I stuffed Blue inside before heading onto the street. The last thing we needed was more military assholes on our trail looking for the poor soul.

As we walked, ny mood became somber. I had to leave this man behind and go back to a boring life in the American midwest. I had to leave this adventure behind forever. I couldn't keep Blue; I had to leave him with The Doctor, who'd most likely drop him off somewhere else. This feeling of adrenaline would go away and I'd be left just like I was before: a hopeless scaredy-cat with no life and no money and nothing exciting to do. England was going to be a distant college memory to me.

We reached the TARDIS and stepped inside. I let Blue out of the backpack-- who was very pleased about that-- and stood in front of The Doctor.

"I... I guess I'll just be going then," I said, looking up at him and nodding towards the door. He scoffed, smiling sadly.

"What do you mean, go? I thought you would tag along, join in on the fun." He took my hand and I blushed.

"That was my last day studying abroad here in England. I'm going to miss my flight," I said, looking down. I felt his hand on my chin and he lifted it up. I stared into his dark eyes.

"You don't have to go..." he said quietly. I looked away.

"I do. My parents are expecting me home by dinner. Besides, how am I supposed to tell them I'm out traviling through space and time with a man I haven't even known for a day?" I cracked a smile.

"You tell them that you've been granted an extended term. After our next adventure, I'll take you home and we'll explain everything to your parents, alright?" He handed me an SD card for my phone. I took it.

"What's this?" I asked. He pointed at it while he explained it.

"That, that is a card that will allow you to talk to your mum and dad from anywhere in space and any place in time." He smiled.

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