Cheating ¿?

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Thanks for 1k reads thank you mean a lot I did not know that people are liking what I write so thanks you guys make me smile when you vot and comment what you think so thank you ❤️ all right okay back to the imagine ❤️.
                Your POV
I was siting on the couch and I get a text for Shawn don't get my wrong I like Shawn as a friend. The text says look at my new girlfriend. I press the video and I see that they He and his girlfriend have sex I just siting here like why would he send me this then I hear something I wish I did not hear I heard Shawn moaning Camila's name and Camila moaning Shawn name.
Camila POV
WAIT Shawn are you recording this. Yea so what Camila. Oh and and I send to your "sweat" girlfriend. What why would you do what you know what her pasted girlfriends did to her. Well you should stop talking Camila you did the same thing and I only did it because I want us to be together and be happy. No you don't get it's Shawn I love Y/n I only did it because I needed love and she was not here. Wait she coming tomorrow shit I know she going to break up with me shit just great Shawn you just ruined the best relationship that has ever happen to me. Camila I'm still here we have not broken up yet. Shut up Shawn. And with that I Put and my clothes and leave he tried and to stop me but did not Succeed I get in my car a drive to the Hotel I can't wait to see her tomorrow all I want is to see her and Explain .
Shawn POV
She come back they always come back
Your POV
Shit why does this always happen to me. The girls I date always cheat on me why I came I just find the right girl this is why i have trust issues with my girlfriends. I just start thinking like why would she do this to me she know my pasted girlfriends have all cheat on me why would she do that. Was I not good in enough. And with my anger in side my just come out I end up hitting the wall and make a hole in it. Damn it ugh. Great now my hand is bleeding now what do i do. I go down stairs and wrap me hand in a bandage and since I don't like the dark a trim of the light and go running up stairs. I just start crying and think like I don't even know why Im crying like I just do. I eventually fell asleep. I woke up because I have to go to the airport to go to London because that is where fifth harmony is.( okay they are in Europe I think just go along with it okay) I go on the plane I find my seat and sit down right now I'm all sad and Depressed. I mean most people would my happy seeing Camila but every time I think about her my heart just hurts. I'm going to land all Emotional and every one else is going to be happy don't get my wrong I still love Camila I just don't know if she still loves me. And just sitting and just think. I  end up falling asleep. I wake up just in time before we land. I get off the plans and I see so many people waiting on thee love ones. And I'm just here trying not to cry again but I'm all out or tears to even cry
Camila POV
THERE SHE IS I YELL. Y/n heard me turn around and I run to where she is. I hug her so fast with so many force it caused us to fall over. Hey Y/n I missed you so much I love you so much Y/n. Yea same here Camila. Are you okay Y/n you look sad. No it just that I'm really tried. What happen to your hand who did this to you when I find out who hurt you I will find them and kill them. No it's  okay Camila me and jake we where playing around and I accidentally hit his wall. Oh okay I don't believe her but I just Go along with it. I kiss her hand and then her lips I felt so right but the only problem she did not kiss back I feel hurt I know she know and it's hurt that I made her sad I can see it in her eyes it hurts so much to know you are the one that caused her to be sad. I love you so much Y/n you mean the world to me. I love you to Camila.
Dinah POV
What's up with Y/n she looks sad you Aways happy to see Camila. I now right says ally. I guess we will find out later.
              Y/n POV
we get to the hotel. When I hear have to go baby I will be back later okay Y/remember Y/n I love you. same here Camila.  After I said that she looked hurt but at this point I don't care and with That she walk out that door and closed that door .What's up with you Y/n don't you see that you Hurt her say Dinah. I really don't care Dinah and Nothing I'm just jet lag that's it. No we all know that is just not jet lag what wrong Y/n and what do you mean you don't care don't you love her. See I do love her don't you doesn't love me. Yes She does Y/n say the girls. Ugh just look I take out my phone and show them the video. Why are you show this to us people are just having sex are you going to do this to Camila better us protection. say Lauren. Shh Say Normani. That when we get to the part where Shawn moans Camila name and Camila moans name. Why would she do this to you Y/n say the girls. This is just a mistake Y/n we all know she loves you say the girls. She sure knows how to show it. They all get up and hug me and trying and cheer me up and make me happy but I can't get over the fact that Camila did this to me she knew about my past relationships. We talk for a while and then we all decide to just wait on her and just stand at the door. And Patiently wait.
            Camila POV
I got to Shawn hotel I knock on his door. Hey baby. Don't baby me you ruined my relationship with Y/n I know she know. I know that because She read my text message. Ugh I so mad at you Shawn I know she going to break up with me any day hour minute second . I just want to get it over with. Wait i thought you loves her. I do love her but I know she hates me. She keno what just Leave me alone forever . You know I can't do that. Well to bad your ruined my relationship so I never want to she you again. And after I say that to him I go back to the hotel I open the door I did not Expect this. I see Y/n and the girl just standing in front of the door. All I hear is how could you. Look Y/n let me explain I needed love and you where not here. Camila that is not an excuse I see a lot of girls every day but I don't go after them because I need love Camila I loved you so I waited in till I could be with you I loved you Camila be I know now that you don't love me. How could she say that I do love her she means the world to me. Your right Y/n I don't love you I never did the management made me date you because you are a huge star I NEVER loved you and I will never love you no matter what happens. You are so ugly a pig but is pretty than you. every time I look at you I Puke I have been holding my puke for a year now. I happy we are over so I can't be with some one I love. You I would what just get out of my face and my life I never want to see you ever again I hate you so much go get you stuff and leave I never want to see you ever again. She does what I say and go get her stuff. Don't leave Y/n say the girls. Bye Girls. No don't go Y/n. Bye girls see you around. Bye ms. Cabello. And with that she leave. What did I just do what did I just say I just came out shit. Shawn didn't ruin my relationship with Y/n that was just the tip of the Iceberg. I ruined my relationship with Y/n I did know my life is ruined.

Part 2 maybe Comment if i should do path 2 because if you like then of course I'm going to upload part 2 okay okay. Well I hope you In joyed it. My heart hurt most of the time I wrote this so yea. Thank you for reading means the world. Please like and vote and comment what you think Bye have an amazing day or night or after noon ❤️🚊and remember you are amazing the way you are. Kill people with kindness 🔫

Camila Cabello imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now