Cheating ¿? Part 2

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OMG guys thank you so much for 3k
read omg this mean so much to so many people reading my imagines thanks you so much it mean the world to me thanks you so much I love you guys so much like you guys don't even know and thanks for the vote and the nice Comment of how you guys like my imagines means the world thank you so much love you guys💙  - Anonymous🦁
Y/n perspective
I waking out of the hotel I don't know we're to go and the is a lot of paparazzi just waiting like they always do and I so sick it some time I just wish the paparazzi did not exist you know it just so sad that people want to take picture of you and sell them it's just disgusting. I'm still just waking nowhere to go so that were I call my best friends that live here in LA thanks god I still have her number
                 call Conversation
Y/bf/n -Hello
Y/n hello is me
Y/bf/n oh hey Y/n what up what wrong why are you cry and why do I here cameras clicking
Y/n (tbh I did not even know I was crying until she told me) back to reality - no I just tripped
Y/bf/n well yeah you're always the sensitive one
Y/n hey that not my fault I'm just emotionally stable
Y/bf/n it kind of is
Y/n yea whatever just come and get me am at the LAX airport
Y/bf/n okay be right there like in 10 min
Y/n okay.
              End of Conversation
Y/n so that mean I only have 10 min to come up with a lie why I was crying because I know that she does not believe me the lie that I came up with is that I was getting hate I mean I was getting hate but I never let it get to me but what Camila said was true I am worthless I mean she has to be right I mean she Camila and she was my girlfriend and she would lever lie to me so she is right and now I'm  crying even more cameras Clicking I finally she a black car come up to I just get in not saying anything she just  keeps on driving in till we stop at a red night and she specks up. So this is what it is like to be famous must be a good life you must be every happy to do what you Love to do. Oh hell no you have no idea what it is to be famous what is like to put up with hate Paparazzi people being fake to be famous or to get close to you to get famous you don't even know I hate it's just disgusting like you don't even know. like some time i wish i was not a singer i wish i was just a normal human getting normal pay like every body else but i can't and that some time make me sad just some time i wonder what would ever happen if i was not a singer and just a normal human being.  Are you insane Y/n a lot of people want to be in your shoes but can't maybe because they think they are not good enough of just have been discovered yet but you have but you have and yet you are complaining just shut the hell up okay Y/n you don't know what is is to get "normal pay " okay. i'm sorry Y/bf/n i did not know that you felt this way i'm sorry it's just that i'm mad at myself for letting people in my life and then just braking me into pieces and letting me keep  these though in my head and mad at the people being fake to be more famous like you guys would be just fine without my in your life and you turn out being fake oh hell no BYE. damn are you okay do you want to talk about what happened with you and Camila. no i'm fine but how do you know about me and Camila. Y/n you might be famous but still you are my best friend and plus i like to go on you instagram. so you like to stocke me . yea so. well i am best friend what do you expect . whatever Y/n i will find out even if you don't tell me. Fine I tell you well we get home. Yay. Why are you happy. Because I get to know what wrong with you and Camila.
             We get to her house
So tell me what happened. I take out me phone and show her the video that Shawn sent me. She speak up why are you showing me your sex tape. What for it. Okay? We get to the part where Camila moans Shawn name and Shawn moans Camila name. That little bastard she is a cheater. Yea and the she told me all of this stuff like I'm worthless and that she can be with someone she loves. I felt that my heart just like is done. She was very lucky to even have you are a girl friend. Thanks Y/bf/n. I'm really tried right now do you think I can sleep her and then I will get my stuff and go back to Florida. Yea sure stay as long as you want. Thanks but on night is good enough. Okay well the guest room I down the hall on your left. Thanks. Well goodnight. Yea goodnight see you. All night I was on my phone get a plane ticket to go back home. i finally got a plane ticket back home at noon going to Jacksonville and then drive a couple min to the little town called Fernandina beach my home town and heart breaker lane
    Camila perspective
When she walked  out it broke my heart seeing her like that crying and knowing is was your fault why I'm I so stupid why. I turn around and all of the girls mouths are wide open. Why did you do That and stat that. Said Lauren. I don't know it all just come out I did not mean anything I said. I love her. You sure are great way of showing it.  Said Dinah. Shut up i said. why are you going to tel her that she worthless said ally. no just shut up and leave my alone but yet just leave. glad to said all of the girls . remember that we have to get a plane to Jacksonville FL at noon so be there before noon . said ally. Yea okay. and that's when i remember that  Y/n home town is Jacksonville well not Exactly there a town in Jacksonville called Fernandina beach. And she has and best friend name Y/bf/n but she moved with Y/n to LA. But where is still Jake. Y/n went to go see him last summer and i still have his number. Yes maybe there still hope what me and Y/n can get back together maybe there still hope. i see the time and it almost 3:00 am. so that's when i go get my stuff ready but I still can him anyways   
                Call Conversation
Jake - hello
Camila - hello is me Camila
Jake - hey Camila
Camila - can you tell me if Y/n still has that same House in Jacksonville
Jake - yea why
Camila - oh no reason bye Jake
Jake - bye Camila
and if that I got to sleep.                                    
Y/n Perspective
i wake up really early because when i was little my parents would make me and my little sister wake up early and go to the airport to be early because i take a long time to go get past security and find where the plane is you know the stuff you have to do before you get on a plane. is really early it 6:00 i  go to the bathroom to go get ready and I see running makeup because of what Camila said and I was think if you was right if I was worthless and I get ready and I look at the time and it's 7:00 good I still have a time to right the note I finish and 7:10 and go get my stuff ready and get in a morning that to early to be up but yet again i do have to go and eat breakfast and write a note that i left i went to the airport and that i would come and visit her some day this month. And with that i leave and good to go get some breakfast because you now me i love food. food is life  and with that i leave where i just had breakfast and it like 10:00. i go past security glazing a through like doughnut did that even make an sense i don't even know but i don't care a this moment. i get in the plane and sit in first class and then ohh and then guess who i see the girls get on ally and then camila and then dinah and the lauren and ally and then normani. getting on the same plane as me going to the some place oh hell no. don't get me wrong i love the girls you know just not camila right know, i look at camila eyes and i see  hope that she is going to sits by me. i mean i don't want her to sit by me. its great that she has hope but i have hope that see will not sit by me. i but then i see a girl in front of her. Yes thank you god. but the girl was very pretty. I can't believe i'm saying this but she is prettier than Camila. Then i hear a hello next to me and is the girl she said hi. hello is said back. what your name she said. my name is Y/n what is yours. (her name can whatever you want) H/n (by the way H/n means her name) that a really pretty name. why thank you Y/n aren't  you the charmer Y/n. thanks. i was having a good talk with H/n and then she stop talk and talk about why is is not going to switch with her. i look a i see Camila trying to switch seats with 
Camaila Perspective
yes i was fighting with the girl that was sit next to MY girlfriend but that girl would not move i don't know why does she not know who i mean i mean come on i'm the camila cabello. but she is my girlfriend i mean i want to sit next to me girlfriends. then the girl looked at Y/n and she said something that really hurt me. she is not my girlfriend if you was we would of sat together and she would not be fighting with you if we were girlfriends and girlfriends. miss would you please sit down the plane is about to take off. fine but is not over yet me Y/n. 
Y/n perspective
Right after i said what i said and i look at Camila face Reaction Its like a hurt reaction but i don't care because you is the one who hurt me in the first place. then i hear the flight attendant say that Camila. Thanks you flight attendant. After the fright H/n and my switch number because we had a good time and we got tighter really well so why not. But I tried really hard not to run in to Camila and thank god I did not I got out really fast got all my luggage and everything checked out. I walk out and it hit the hotness of Florida and the humidity hit me like a trunk. And then my I saw Jake my long time best friend. (Yay)  hey jake thanks for Picking me up mean a lot. Your welcome Y/n. Can you talk me home and Maybe this week we can hang out like old times. Of course I would love that. Good.
             We get to my home.
Thanks for dropping me off Jake. Again your welcome Y/n, I get out of his car. Love you Y/n.  Love you to Jake. Love you more. Impossible. It's possible Y/n. Yea what ever. I get in my house all the memories rush I'm I grew up in this house I love this house this house mean the world to me all of the memories of me and my family all of the love and the fights. I just love all the memories I have in this house.  I get settled I get in my car and go to and I got to Walmart and go get food because my house has no food Ugh. Some of my fans see me and want to take picture and want autographs. I say bye and get my food and got to my car. And see that they posted the photo of us and I like it of course. And I see this photo of an update of where I'm I think it's cute because they care what I am. It's not creepy at all. And I go home and eat and get ready for bed as I was getting for bed I think of Jake does he like me. No. Maybe. Yes. I don't but I later fall asleep. I hear and knock on my door. Camila what are you doing here I thought you had to go to Miami. Nope that tomorrow. Oh. Can I talk to you. Yea sure. I'm really sorry Y/n when you walk out the door it broke my heart and I Noticed that you are the love of my life and I lost the love of my life but i was not giving up on us. I made my mistake and I'm sorry. Camila It hurt that you cheated on me but what hurt me so much yes you did make you mistake but still people do deserve Second chances. But I don't know Camila. At that point my and Camila were crying so much and were hugging and cry. Y/n. Yes Camila. Can
you give my a second chance and you pick yes or no Y/n. I pick ....

Ahahahah Cliffhanger I hope you really enjoyed this part 2 and I hope you guys want part 3. If you do please comment and and I'm sorry if you did not like it I'm sorry but if you did like it then Yay. I'm so sorry it toke me so long to write part 2 it toke me like 2 mouth and I'm sorry umm the original part 2 was different. I had part 2 in my head right after I did not write it down though so this part 2 was way Different. I hope that part 2 did not disappoint you but I really hope you like it. Hi I hope you In joyed it. Thank you for reading means the world. Please like and vote and comment what you think Bye have an amazing day or night or after noon or morning ❤️🚊and remember you are amazing the way you are. Kill people with kindness -Anonymous

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