Chapter One

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**picture above is Rose + hair, makeup and dress**

"More champagne?" A waiter asked me snapping me out of my trance bringing me back into reality of where I was, I nodded holding out my all but empty glass watching the light gold colored liquid fill the sleek glass.

"-and that's when David won the game, oh, you should have seen all their faces. My husband, beat the Vice President, in a match of golf, he was stunned to say the least-" One of the women beside me went on and on with the story about her husband, I smiled weakly at them.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room," I smiled once again, still as fake as ever, walking off to the bathroom which I was using as an escape to get out of this event.

All of these events were the same. The men would brag about theirselves to the other men and the women would brag about their husbands to the other women. It was a necessity at every event to make your man look so much better than any other man - it was sickening. No matter what anyone was talking about they would throw in something about their husbands.

To make things worse this was a charity event - not that anyone was worried about that. The only reason anyone donated was because it made them look like better people, plus they got the chance to say just how much they donated to tell their friends that they donated more than them.

I pushed open the bathroom door walking over to the granted counter placing my champagne glass down along with my clutch. I let out a sigh as I looked in the mirror - my ombré hair was pulled up in the back with pieces let out down in the front with big curls giving me the look that I had short hair despite the actual length of it. A extremely expensive pair of earrings were in my ears on display, as well as a matching necklace that hung from my neck. It was a black and white event so I chose a white very low cut gown - the dress was so low cut it stopped just before my belly button which also made me receive looks from the other women here, but I didn't care.

I'm eighteen, not middle aged like most of the other women here who are pushing forty - if they aren't forty already.

After finishing my whole glass of champagne along with another glass since there was a bottle of wine in the bathroom, I was feeling buzzed enough to face everyone once again.

Just as I pushed open the door I felt it collide with something on the other side.

"Hey, you fücking spaz-" The boy that I knocked down with the door stopped dead in his sentence as he saw me walk out of the bathroom and kneel down beside him in the hallway.

"Are you okay," I held one hand out to help him up, "I'm so, so sorry." I blushed embarrassed, leave it up to me to knock the wind out of someone.

"Yeah, it's okay." He chuckled as he grabbed my hand and I helped pull him up - well, I really couldn't help that much since I'm 5'2 and weigh around 114 pounds - so lifting up a 6 foot something boy wasn't exactly easy for me.

"I'm Luke," He said still not letting go of my hand.

"Rose." I smiled weakly not looking up at him instead looking down at his hand that was still holding onto mine.

"You're beautiful," He said softly, despite how rough his voice was causing me to snap my head up at him along with remove my hand from his.

Trophy ✗ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now