Chapter Three

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"Would you like to tell me about last night?"

This was it the moment I had been dreading since I snuck into my own house at almost two a.m last night. I held a fear of Nathaniel because of how much I respected him I guess, I never wanted to be the kind of wife who would let her husband down, but it seemed like with Nathaniel it happened a lot more often than I wanted.

"I was hoping we'd skip that conversation," I sighed tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, pouring myself a cup of much needed coffee. Thankfully, my hangover wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

Nathaniel scoffed looking up from his laptop, taking his seeing glasses off and watching me as I walked over to the table taking a seat across from him.

"Don't you think it makes me look bad when my wife is off getting drunk and doing God knows what with who ever that boy was?" He looked me in the eyes as I looked down taking a sip of my coffee adjusting my blue satin robe. "We've talked about this before, what you do effects the way I look."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, "I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted to do was make you look bad. I drank too much champagne, it was a mistake."

"A mistake that won't happen again." He added and I nodded, "Who was that boy?"

Flashbacks of Luke and I's night together last night filled my brain and a ping of sadness hit me, "I don't even know, he must have been drunk too and decided to join me." I lied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Alright, well I have a few meetings with clients this morning. This evening I'm having dinner with a potential client," I nodded pretending to look interested in what he was saying when honestly I couldn't care any less, "I want you to join me."

"Okay, should I make reservations or?" He shook his head closing down his lap top and standing up revealing his grey suit and tie that was my favorite on him. He looked gorgeous in grey.

"No, this is a more intimate meeting so I want you to cook-" My eyes widen slightly when he said cook and he chuckled lightly realizing that I couldn't cook, "Or call someone to come cook."

I nodded laughing lightly, "Who's the client, if you don't mind me asking?" Sometimes Nathaniel didn't like me talking too much about business with him because he said I didn't understand so there was no point- which I couldn't blame him really since I really didn't even know what kind of work he did.

"I don't mind at all, Rose, you'll be meeting him and his wife later on after all." He lightly chuckled again, he must have been in a good mood since he never laughed or talked with me this much, "Andrew Hemmings."

I choked on the coffee that was in my mouth nervously bursting out into a small amount of fits. I wasn't prepared to see Luke again at all.

"Are you alright, dear?" He rushed over to my side and lightly patted my back ever so gently and it was strange and foreign seeing him so caring like this.

As strange as it sounds Nathaniel hadn't been intimate with me in a long time and it felt good hearing him call me by something other than my name and feelings his hands touch my back lightly even if it were for a second.

"Sorry, I hiccuped and it made me choke." I lied staring into his chocolate eyes, "I love you." He looked taken back by my words as if it were the first time I had ever said this to him. He looked at me for a while reading my face his mouth opening to speak when his phone started ringing ending our conversation.

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