Chapter Five

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"Your blonde hair makes me want blonde hair." I looked up at Luke's hair as we lay at the edge of my bed since I was paranoid that Luke would spill his coffee on my couch - and just so you know, this was Luke's forth cup of coffee since this morning, needless to say I got him addicted.

"It's the Luke affect. Like Bieber fever but more contagious with less purple and not so high pitched." I punched his arm causing him to grab it yelling 'ow!'.

"I didn't know you were this aggressive in bed." He laughed, "Get it? Because you know we're in bed and-"

"I get it Luke." I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to The Walking Dead which Luke was forcing me to watch against my will.

Not that I hated this show but I'd rather be in a conversation with Luke's mother again than watch this. Luke was more than positive that he could make me love The Walking Dead the same way that I made him love him coffee - the difference between The Walking Dead and coffee was that coffee was actually enjoyable unlike this show.

"Stab me in the balls."



"It's not that bad."

"Yes it is."

I rolled out of the bed walking over to my closet decided it was probably in my best interest to get dressed by now since it was now almost one.

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I like reblogging pictures of Drake, shopping online and listening to asap." I shrugged finding no need to put any effort into myself today so I settled on a pair of black and white striped Adidas leggings that I forgot I even bought and a white tank.

I went into my bathroom slipping on my pants and shirt, brushing my teeth and then my hair deciding on leaving it straight and not bothering with my makeup today.

"So you like rap music?" Luke asked me as I walked out of the bathroom and I just simply nodded as I put on some face cream and then perfume. "Didn't take you for that kind of girl."

"Don't worry, I still like Larry Stylinson and Justin Bieber just as much as the next girl." He nodded saying 'figures' as he fumbled with his hands in his lap, "What kind of music do you like?"

"Anything that will help me get into a girls pants-" I scoffed throwing a pillow at his face - but the pillow had a rhinestone broach on it which hit Luke's nose and sorta kinda scratched it making it bleed from the skin it tore off. "I was having a joke! Oh my- fück."

"Whoops?" I shrug hiding my feelings of how scared I am that I might have actually hurt him - thankfully, he's fine and this shows when he grabs two pillows and throws them both at me. One pillow hit me deliberately in the forehead while the other hit my thighs. Luke looked at me waiting for a response obviously thinking I was either going to yell at him or throw more pillows back - instead I picked up the pillows and placed them nearly back on my bed straighten out my covers and then exiting the room with no words spoken to Luke.

"Uh, Rose?" I hear him call as I walk down the hallway, and then make my way down the stairs.

"Yes, Luke." I call back as I hear his footsteps loudly running down the wooden stairs.

Trophy ✗ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now