Chapter Nine

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NOT EDITED, will edit later. Until then enjoy :)

"What are you going to do for Christmas?" Ronnie asks me from the outside of the bathroom as I slip on my jeans, we aren't sure what we are going to do today but Ronnie said defiantly something casual so jeans and vans seemed to be the perfect outfit for me.

Which in all honesty I could have worn vans every single day of the life if I could, but Nathaniel didn't like them too much so the only times I got to wear them were when he was gone.

I hadn't thought much into what I wanted to do for Christmas, even though it was only three weeks away. It wasn't like I had a tradition after all, last year I spent it alone since Nathaniel drank a bit too much and couldn't even leave the bedroom for two days. Whatever I was going to do I knew for sure that I didn't want to feel the way I did last year sitting at a table all alone with nothing other than the sound of Home Alone playing on my tv to keep me company.

"Umm... not sure," I stumbled back a bit as I tried to zipper my pants which seemed to be a bit smaller since the last time I remember wearing them.

I may not be the most handy with a washing machine either.

"Would you want to spend it with me?" I haven't spent a Christmas with Ronnie since before I got married and even then it was never that big of a deal - holidays in general never were.

"Like in Chicago?" I asked as I opened the door seeing him shyly nod a light blush creeping across his cheeks and a grin across his face. "Aw, does my big brudder miss his wittle sister?"

He hit my arm pushing it down as I playfully squeezed his cheek making baby noises at him, "Oh shut up, I just thought maybe you'd want to meet my roommates and stuff."

"And stuff," I mock him causing him to push me again, "But, I'd like that, maybe I will." I smile at him and he pulls me into a hug which I wasn't really expecting, his arms were warm around my back as I was planted firmly into his chest. He smelled like baby powder with a hint of mint, I lightly chuckled as he continued to hug me as my arms rested at my sides not hugging him back yet.

Hugs weren't something I liked, in case anyone hadn't noticed but everyone kept trying to hug me.

"Maybe you could even bring Nathaniel?" He says shyly as I pull away from our little moment and my eyes widen a bit.

Nathaniel hasn't met Ronnie yet, and he hasn't made any efforts to try to even show the least bit of interest in him and honestly this is the first time Ronnie has even mentioned him.

"I don't know about that, he's a little... um well, not good around the holidays." I stumble to get the words out since I honestly don't even know how to explain the way Nathaniel is, and it's hard to try to make someone understand how someone is when I can't even understand him myself.

His face turned up a bit as he looked me as if he could see the emotions all in my eyes, "He's good to you though, Rose, right?" I nod immediately with no hesitation, because it was true he was good to me, just difficult. So very, very difficult.

"Rose, you can tell me anything, you know that, you just tell me when and I'll take that old man down." He lets out a light chuckle and so do I shaking my head at his protectiveness.

"Do you, umm... still think about it? You know, what happened?"

When he asks me this question it's as if I've been stung as memory after memory plows through my brain, clouding my vision almost. I know he means well, but he needs to not talk so much sometimes. Especially when he knows how much of a hold these things still have on me.

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