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Atropa Belladona commonly known as deadly nightshade, is a perennial plant with leaves and berries that are extremely poisonous and hallucinogenic. It is one of the most poisonous herbs in the world. From suicide to murder, belladonna has been a favorite tool for centuries to bring about a quick (and unpleasant) death.

Atropos: the mythological Greek goddess who chose the mechanism of death for each mortal. She held shears in her hand with which she cut the thread of life.

Belladonna: Italian, beautiful woman.

Prologue – Spring 1950


I don't know how you will react to this letter. That is why I haven't written to inquire about you in such a long time. But I have worried about you since the day they took you to the hospital. Truthfully, you are always in my thoughts. Ever since the moment we met. Before I left, I read a story in the paper about Oregon State Hospital, written by a woman reporter who was there undercover. She described the conditions and several women's stories. I couldn't help but think you were one of those women. I couldn't help but fall into the worst remorse and guilt. It was my fault. I was so blind with jealousy and rage. I have never laid a hand on a woman before, and I would have never thought I would be capable of doing what I did to you. I know that I was the one who made you so distraught that you were taken to the hospital. I know from the article that it must have been hell and I am haunted by the relentless image of you in anguish. But, Eve, things have changed in my life. I live in Chicago. You probably heard I moved away from Sellwood.

Of course, I understand if you don't even open this letter. If you throw it away. In which case, I won't continue to write. I will let you go on with your life. Another reason I am writing is because my situation has changed and I can offer you a new life. Eve, Margaret was ill and six months ago she passed. I don't know if you knew but we have two small children, Clara and Jeffery. They are without a mother. I am without a wife. I am not asking you to come and care for me and my family as if it were a business contract. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I know I could find a wife without much effort. It is you that I want. You know I have always wished to find a way for us to be together as husband and wife. I'm not happy that it is under such tragic circumstances. If your life is happy and fulfilled, I understand. But, if you continue to struggle with finding a place to settle that is yours without having to lie or feel isolated then perhaps you would consider starting a new life with me? I am Charlie's father. He would be legitimate in everyone's eyes if we were married.

Perhaps, this letter is absolutely crazy and you hate me after what I've put you through. I know it's not an excuse but after I saw you and Charlie together for the first time, I wanted something you were unable to give me. I know that. I became very possessive and tried to force you to give me what I wanted—but I didn't know that was an impossible expectation of you. I hope you remember what we had before things turned so bad. I have included my telephone number. If you have any inclination, please telephone me. I would love to hear your voice again.



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