Chapter 10

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I spent most of the first day at the hospital with Jeff. He didn't wake until late that afternoon, before that time the doctor was sure that he'd had some sort of internal problem. Maybe organ failure or even a blood clot in his lung or brain. I was in a state of shock, not just from what I'd done to him, but simultaneously feeling the horror of losing him. I sat by his bed and cried all day. When Julia came and wanted to be alone with him, for the first time in our relationship I refused her request. Instead, I stayed on the chair by his bed, rubbing his warm moist hand. Julia glared at me. "I don't understand why you didn't bring him yesterday? Have you lost your mind?"

I didn't respond. The truth was I had lost my mind, but Julia couldn't even begin to comprehend how much I'd lost my mind. Julia left after an hour and promised to return after dinner. When I was alone with Jeff I just listened to the machines whirling. The bright light of the hallways and echoing of footsteps as people passed, reminded me so much of the asylum. I was frozen in time. Jeff's skin looked pale. He was no longer crying out in pain. The doctor said he was in a coma.

"What does that mean?" I whispered to the doctor unable to control my shaking and tears. The nurse had her arm around me and she smelled a sweet lilac scent. She was young and beautiful and when I looked at her I realized she shared the same features as me. Except she was at least 10 years younger. Her dark hair had a natural wave and framed her face. Her pale complexion was complimented by light green eyes. I was so crazy in that moment, I wondered what I must have looked like. Old. Haggard.

"It's a state of unconsciousness."

'When will he wake up?"

"Mrs. Lambert. This is usually due to some severe injury. Did anything happen? Did he have a fall or... can you think of anything?"

I shook my head. "No. He was fine. He went out to a concert and when he came home two nights ago. That's when he came to me saying he didn't feel well."

"But then he began feeling better?"

"Yes. He was still weak, but he seemed almost better."
The doctor nodded and looked at the clipboard in front of him. I could tell he was not reading the notes, just staring into nothing...just contemplating what could be going on. "Did he have anything to eat or drink before he became ill again?"

I thought of the soup and the tea. It was the tea. I knew that. Miriam had probably washed the cup, but I was so fearful and paranoid that I didn't want to confess to the tea. I had strange ideas invading my thoughts. What if the police were there? What if they'd taken the cup to a laboratory somewhere, were testing it for poison.

" I don't remember. I think he had some soup. I can't remember anything."

"Of course not. You're too distraught." The doctor looked at the nurse who rubbed my arm and gave me a squeeze before letting go.

"You've been here all day. Why don't you go home and have some dinner? You can change. We'll call you if anything happens." Her face looked kind and sympathetic. I couldn't let go of the thought of her as my doppelganger. Although, I knew it was a part of the eerie delusions that were possessing me.

"I'll have to call for a driver." I said.

"I can order a taxi. It won't take but a moment?"

At that Jeff's father entered the room. He rushed in as though he were going to lift Jeff up and save him.

"What's happened to my son?" He looked directly at me and I felt as if he knew everything. He had an angry expression. It was the same one I knew from Jeff's anger. The nurse stepped towards Neil. I presumed she would comfort him but just as she approached him, Neil moved towards the bed and kissed Jeff on the cheek. I stood and moved to give him room.

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