Chapter 6: Surprise Visit: Another Song

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I am a big fan of anime so i made a pic of Zel tell me what you think. You will have to look at the cover picture.

I hung up and everyone was all jittery. Amber was like, " OMG your first date!"

Kelly freaked about where he was taking me.

Ashley said, "Yes! I'm finally going to have a sister." Oh and did I tell you she and Matt are twins? I think they have some sort of telepathy thing 'cause she got a weird grin on her face after that.

Any how back on topic...

That got me scared I'm not ready for that kind of thing. Chelsea silenced the girls in one clap."Alright we all have been on dates except our friend Zel. I think it is time for the class."

There is a class for first dates really? "A class?"

Chels and the others nodded they all must have taken it. Chels said was the one to explain,"The 1st date prep class I started to help you guys on your first date. Since I was the first to date here and it was hard to figure out what to do." Now I remember she is still dating Justin it has been a year now. 

Kelly said, "We will start tomorrow 'cause it is late and we need to be at the mall."

Shortly after we were hanging out like we would normally and I was worried about this prep thing. What was I supposed to do take notes, shop, what? All of the girls' boyfriends called to say good night. We were getting ready for bed and pebbles were coming in the window. We looked out and there was Matthew and the guys trying to get our attention.

They asked to come in and we kept them on the first floor. The girls went down in their pajamas! I changed into short cut off jean shorts and a dark blue tank top.

My netting was up by the tall spiral steps so I could climb and jump down like I normally do. The guys wanted to know what it was for. Chels stood next to Justin, Kelly next to Brent, Amber next to Michael, and Ash next to Marvin. Each of them told me to show the guys what the netting was for.

I did my normal trick and the guys geeked out, Matthew most of all when I got to him. He asked if I always did that and I said yes I did. Everyone's hands or arms were locked except Matthew's and mine. He put his arm around my waist and I kept my arms to my side.

But why were they here is this normal? Apparently they were hanging out walking around town and decided to stop by when they heard Matthew and I were going out. I asked Matthew if the guys were who he was emailing when I was over the other night. He said, "Yeah."

Then Chelsea turned on music but turned down and said, "Well since you all are here let's dance and sing karaoke!" They were going to see who goes first from picking out of a hat, but Matthew must have already told them about my singing and all the guys picked me to go first. 

Saying things like, "Let's hear that voice that Mat has told us about!" Not even my girl friends have heard me, so they gave in and let me start us off.

So I sang through a Taylor swift song and then we all danced. First it was fun faster songs then there was one slow song. During that slow song everyone was really close I was dragged to dance to begin with so I was really not into the slow dance, but I danced with Matthew.

After that there was one more song and that was Cotton Eye Joe that song I had fun on because no one knew how the dance went but I did. I taught them the dance and then they understood why I liked it so much; it was really fun.

The guys were leaving and all the girls except me all said, "But you just got here!"

Justin kissed Chels' head saying goodnight, then Brent kissed Kelly on the cheek, Michael kissed Amber's forehead, and Marvin kissed Ashley's nose.

Matthew said night and I said night and he kissed me on the lips! The girls all just had a huge smirk on their faces as I blushed and he laughed. After the guys left we finally went to bed. I hope I can get a good sleep for tomorrow.

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