Chapter 9 : Let Me Count The Ways

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Hey guys nice to see ya. I'm just going to wing this chapter so yeah on with the show!!!

Then he did something I didn't expect.

As I was looking up at the stars he sat up and pulled me into his lap. My face was bright red. I looked up to be only centimeters from his face.

Then he kissed me. I of course kissed back. Then he pulled away and asked, ¨Hey who was your first kiss?¨



"Umm Yeah."

"Good." Wait what?

Matthew POV (haha something new)

"Good." Wait why did I say that? I'm so stupid!

By this point I'm not looking at Zel and I don't intend to. But my freaking brain was being stupid and well I looked down to see her big beautiful blue-green sparkling eyes just looking at me in wonder. Danm. She's gorgeous. I'm gonna ask her.

"Hey Zel?"

"Yes?" That voice. Man do I have it bad.

"Its getting late we should head back. Oh and I have something for you."

"O-okay. What is it?" I pulled out the box that contained the necklace I made for her. Just a simple water drop with a dragon around it.

The look on her face I will never forget. "I-it's....Perfect!" She jumped up and hugged me. I turned her around and put the necklace on her.



"What do you see in me?" Hold it. Did she just as that?

"Well let me count the ways."

Hey how was that mushy yes? More of an adventure action is coming up. Got the idea from Sarah_Duff. I'll give the ways next chapter.

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