Chapter 11: The Meeting

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Hey everyone. Sorry this is so late! What do you think of the new characters and Zelia's reaction? And please tell me how I'm doing with this story in the comments! Oh and my friend who Kelly's character is based off of got her hair cut and there isn't any green in it any more. Here is a pic I made of her anime style.

 Here is a pic I made of her anime style

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Kelly's POV------------

So I was at my place staying up late, like I normally do, and I get this strange feeling. I get these often which always means someone needs help or something like that. Immediately I go to Zel's house 'cause it is the closest one.

Knock, Knock

Well apparently they can't hear me because I heard, "Crap, oh well i'm waking them up." Fine then be that way.

Ding, Dong

I hear feet running to answer the door, Finally. I walk right on in without asking.

"I got the feeling I should come over here, so was up?" I say with my usual weirdness of course.

"Good help me call the girls and get them to Matt and Mady's house we have an emergency."

Not even fully listening I whip out my phone and dial Amber.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. MY GOD! (A/N I'm not trying to offend anyone by taking the lord's name in vain thing so ya.) DOES THIS GIRL EVER ANSWER HER PHONE!?


"Amber its Kelly."

"Kelly I swear to God I will kill you if you wake me up this early ever again. This better be important."

"Meet at Mady's and Matt's house in 30. Zel told me it was an emergency. And no I didn't ask her what it was about. I'm going to start calling the others now."

"Fine be there in half an hour."


"Well she was snippy." I stuck my tongue out at my phone and hear chuckles coming from around me.

"Crap did I turn on speaker again? Stupid natural reflex." Facepalm

I look around and notice some extra kids my age here. They all are looking at me like they are awaiting approval. Shrug. I plopped myself on the couch so I was laying on my back and started dialing again.

"Zel, who did you get ahold of so far? I got Amber."

"I got Chelsea and Madylin."

"K, that means we are waiting on your boyfriend." I wiggle my eyebrows at this just to annoy her.

"Shut up."

"You're blushing Zel."

"Why don't you call Brent?"

"You know what I do need to talk to him."

Adantey POV **********************

When we heard the front door open we went as far back as possible and tried to sneak out but a pot fell and I knew we were gonners.

I slowly turned around to see a girl with dark red hair and deep blue eyes, along with a boy my age with brown hair and green eyes. I froze in shock and could feel the tension thicken in the room.

"Who are you? Why are you here? And what do you want?" We all immediately put our heads down and start thinking of how to explain. I slightly stepped forward.

"We are sorry we thought maybe we could sneak in and hide so we can sleep inside for once." She gave us each a once over and her eyes softened a bit.

"Okay, first tell me your names." I was shocked at this and slowly gave her our names. "Now then I'm Zelia, and this is Matt. Did any of your see another person here?"

Jade glanced at Ethan and nodded, "Yes." Jade doesn't talk much so it is normally a word or two.

"Great! Where is he?" Wait we didn't tell her it was a boy.


"She turned her back to us and yelled, "Oh James~ Come down stairs and give your sister a hug." Thumping was heard and a head of a child no older than 8 looks through the door. (A/N Did I mention that their aunt only visits and Zel's parents are missing?)

"Sissy!" The girl, Zelia, turned back around to face us.

"This is my brother. Say hi James."

"Hi" James looks at us with a bright smile like people coming into your house in the middle of the night to find a place to sleep is completely normal. Why do these people act like this and what is going to happen to us? Are they going to call the cops?

"Now I won't call the cops, but on one condition..." She trailed off making me nervous.

"And that would be?"

She smiled and said, "I want you to let me help you be apart of my little group of friends. My boyfriend's friends, " she shrugged her shoulder in the boy named Matt's direction, "would probably hang out with you guys and girls you can join my girlfriends and I. Another thing all of  my girlfriends are taken and so are his friends so they will get mushy and lovey dovey."


"So, is that a yes or a no?"

Paige answers to fast for anyone to get a word in edgewise, "Yes definitely!"

"Okay give me a sec I need to call an emergency meeting at..."

"Matt whose house should we go to?"

"Mine, its bigger."

"Okay then it's settled I'll call the girls and... Wait! What time is it?"


"Crap, oh well i'm waking them up."

Ding dong. Who is coming here so late?

Zelia runs to the door with Matt and James in tow and we slowly come out of the kitchen. An unfamiliar voice started speaking.

"I got the feeling I should get over here, so was up?" As I get to see the new person as she said 'was up' she did a goofy grin.

"Good help me call the girls and get them to Matt and Mady's house we have an emergency." This new girl that has blonde short hair whips her phone out and starts dialing and put the phone to her ear. She she layed down on the couch and moved the phone away from her ear hitting a button that apparently put on speaker phone. The phone stopped buzzing.

"H-hello?" The other person sounded groggy.

"Amber its Kelly."

"Kelly I swear to God I will kill you if you ever wake me up this early ever again. This better be important." Well that was helpful and also scary meaning never wake Amber up at bad hours got it.

"Meet at Mady's and Matt's house in 30. Zel told me it was an emergency. And no I didn't  ask her what it was about. I'm going to start calling others now."

"Fine be there in half an hour."


"Well she was snippy." Kelly stuck her tongue out at her phone and I chuckled with the others.

"Crap did I turn on speaker again? Stupid natural reflex." She had stood up while saying this and plopped back on the couch.


Zelia's POV

All of us are at Matt's house with his sister and parents.

"So, what is your story guys?"

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