Chapter 15

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Hime pov
While Anko was discussing about what are the things you need to do, I was thinking of a really sinister way of killing my enemies.

Cookie-chan, drink your medicine!

Later A-chan, when we get to the tower.

Anko made us sign something, gave us a heaven scroll, and then let us pick a gate number.

"Gate number 24 please." I replied to the chunnin, who nodded and registered our team to gate number 24

"24? Hime-sama, it's not like I don't want it but why that? It's just a plain field 15 kilometers near the tower-oh,
I get it." Akane replied then we went to the gates.

"Alright before I let you go, I'll give you one advice, don't die. "

The gates opened and then we rushed off.

I was jumping in 35 percent for them to
Be in my sight and me on theirs. We will not be separated because what do you expect? Of course an ambush.

When we reached the fields, my assumptions were right, we were ambushed, I was trapped in a cobalt like cage while the others are just surrounded.

"You leaf ninjas! Give us your scroll and we'll let the girl go!" A cloud nin shouted, he's team glaring at the us.

"First tell us what your scroll is!" Tamotsu replied, the man who shouted earlier showed us his earth scroll, which we needed.

Wrong move mister.

In one swift motion, I was free from the cage and had him, my scroll on my hand and him dead.

"What did you do to our teammate you jerk!" The other man in the dead nins team shouted, while the only girl looked horrified.

"Hn. You're next." I made the handsigns:ram tiger hare dragon

"Fire style: fire phoenix slash!"
(a/n: I know it's lame but please bare with me.)

A phoenix appeared behind him, and with one quick slash of it's wing, he layed on the ground dead.

I licked my lips sadistically as I brought out a kunai and flashed in front of the girl who was frozen in fear, her eyes wide and her feet glued to the floor.

"Good night." Were the last words she heard before I sliced her throat in half and stabbed her directly through her heart, the kunai passing from her chest through her back.

Third person pov
"Quick! Tamotsu! Hold her!" Akane ordered which Tamotsu gave a quick nod and held Hime's arms tightly, the sadistic Hime trashing from his hands,
Wanting to get freed.

"Rei!" Akane shouted which Rei ran and quickly pushed the medicine to Hime's mouth with her hands, but Hime just spat it out and kept trashing.

"Hime-sama, I'm sorry but I'll have to steal your first kiss." Rei said

Though I really wanted it since we met. Rei thought, as she put the medicine in her mouth and kissed bHime, who was frozen in shock, given Rei a chance to slip the medicine to Hime's mouth, who swallowed it and relaxed.

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