Christmas in the Akatsuki 2

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Third person pov
Everyone except for Hime rounded on the file and had different reactions, but none knew that it was her birthday.

"So what can we do? There is no time to buy presents..." Konan said, a life depressed that she can't give a gift to Hime, especially on her birthday.

"Buy a cake. Deidara and Kisame, buy some, Rei, what flavor does she like most? " Pein ordered the two men who saluted and dashed away, asking Rei a question afterwards

"Strawberry." Rei said.

"Then prepare a simple yet proper strawberry food birthday party for Hime, others, fix a banner, those who knows how to cook, go to the kitchen immediately, the others that has nothing to do guard Hime's door, she might come out." Pein ordered. The members immediately went to their stations.

Some of the members are not really close to Hime, but still she was like family, and like their youngest sibling.

So they placed,gathered and fixed the needed materials and got ready for the birthday bash. Itachi lead Hime towards the living room, the others jumping out of their hiding spots trying to surprise her, but with no avail.

Instead, Hime has shed tears.

"H-Hime-sama, what is wrong?!" Rei asked,hurriedly making her way to Hime and tries to soothe her.

"I one....would remember.....because of the.....stupid holiday...." Hime said in between hiccups, as others had smiles because they finally saw emotion in her usual dull face, and has already knew why she was so depressed lately.

"Well, we remembered, so happy birthday!" The others greeted, making Hime stop her hiccups and look at them through red puffy eyes and tried her best to smile,

And she finally did.

The others were shocked at her new found emotion, and sone guys saw her smile like she was an fallen angel from heaven, making them blush.

"Rei...." Hime murmured, then hid her face at Rei's face, making Rei smile and for the first time,Sue didn't fume.

"Well, let's get this party started shall we?" Kakuzu announced


And they partied until the next morning, tired yet happy.

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