Chapter 31

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Hime pov
As I made my way towards the halls with Hidan following me, which I ordered, we stopped at a hallway where no members are going through much.

"So what do you firefly want?"

At least he's not cussing too much infront of me, that's what the others said, but why?

"Hidan, I have been suspicious to why you are not cussing to me,but to the others you do, so why?" I asked

He had a smirk on his face and almost said a smart remark

Key word: almost

"And don't even tell me that i like you cussing, because it's no difference."

He closed his mouth as I gained victory. "So I ask again, why?"

He sighed and had a thoughtful look,seemingly talking tp himself or rather someone.

Who is he talking to?

I can't remember....i think it's someone familiar?

So cookie-chan knows who this mysterious person Hidan is talking to?

Who exactly is he talking to?

Hidan pov
The b- i mean butterfly has got it and got me cornered, so what now Jashin-sama?

Tell her.

Are you sure?

Yes I'm sure. And make her one of my necklaces so that she can speak to me. And no more questions asked.


I nhaled my air abd spoke to her the golden truth, making her dull eyes have little hope.

"I knlw your father, and he's the god I'm worshipping now."

Hime pov
Father is alive abd he's not missing after all!!

I would be jumping in joy right now without my Alexithymia, but I don't care as long as I know tha he's somewhere here.

"So can I talk to him?" I asked, trying to make my sentence polite as possible.

"It's gonna take a little while though, he said to make you a necklace that is similar to mine in order for you to communicate with each other." He explained, making me a tad bit depressed.

"Okay. Please Tell me when you're done." And then I vanished into dark souls and aura.

Akane pov
So basically, here I am, at the kitchen cooking food with Tamotsu assisting me.

Seriously, these guys doesn't know how to cool and I'm the only one?!?!?

Well not really, Tamotsu can also cook but only for breakfast meals, Sue-san can cook but only the basics like cooking scrambled eggs.

On the other hand, Itachi just burns the oven, Kisame slices the table, Hidan curses words and cooks horribly, Pein and Konan are too busy, Sasori doesn't eat, Kakuzu is busy also, Deidara just blasts the kitchen, Voidheart is a winged wolf and despises Humans other than Hime-Sama,Rei's cooking is.........deadly. And Hime-sama? Let's just say....i don't want to talk about it.

"Put these here, a bit of it there and.....
Okay! Tamotsu, please help me serve the food to the table." I said and got some plates.

"I told you to call me sweetheart..." He pouted, but began to set the food anyways.

I just sighed and smiled at him, then continued to set the table for lunch time.

-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥- (Kakuzu: give me the money!!!)
Hime pov
I was at the training grounds practicing my genjutsu which was called 'lightning style: blue lightning warning' that makes the victim see and experience deadly lightning panthers and wolves. And although it's an illusion, if teh victim believed it was true, damage can be inflicted to him as well, but if he does not, he'll just have a trauma on lightning.

As I was about to to try it on my third try to my clone, Akane called for lunch, making me stop and cancel my jutsu, then walked to the kitchen not really bothering to teleport.

When I reached there, the guys except for Sasori who was no where to be found and Tamotsu who already ate at what he has informed me a while ago, were stuffing food to their mouths while the girls except for Voidheart that is eating at the living room in Human form that I just knew about a few days ago, as the other girls who sat there just ate normally.

I sat at my chair and ignored them as I took a meatball, which I ate and got another one. I don't eat too much rice so meatball is all i need for now.

As the guys quickly ate and decreased the meal, the meatball was down to it's last piece, making me quickly get it but without a rival to get it.

"Hidan, let go of my meatball." I said menacingly letting him take a hint, but he's an idiot and decided to be thick headed.

"No, it's mine." He said back.

Third person pov
As Hime and Hidan's forks are sticking on the last meatball, Akane, Tamotsu, Rei and Sue were a bit worried about Hidan because when they tried once to get Hime's meatball, they'll get her wrath. But the others didn't know what will happen so they voted to who gets who.

Itachi and Kakuzu voted for Hime and Deidara and Kisame voted gor Hidan.

As time looked slow, everyone except Hidan saw 3 skeletons with black flames surrounding them and red eyes are slowly getting up from the ground, holding freakishly large axes with the samw black flames surrounding the axes.

The 3 skeletons brunf down their axe to Hidan's shoulder and back, making Hidan let go of the fork and look in pain, then turning around to look at his attackers.

"What the hell?!" He screeched, as he saw the skeletons at his back eying him with murderous looks.

"Luke, it's okay  and for now, go back." Hime ordered. The skeleton at the center of the two other skeletons bowed before disappearing to the ground, the two skeletons behind him following suit.

"Thank you for the food Akane." Hime said, then teleported to the training fields to continue what she was practicing earlier.

"What was that?" Kisame asked, the others just shrugged and put their plates at the sink.

Hi hi!!!

Long time no see!!!

Well ehehe....sorry for the delay and the extra chapter that I know no one read but thank you for reading anyways.

Oh!!! And so far to all the readers out there reading my book like Mistress_Mystery1099
I thank you all! Not just them but all! I can't tag some readers because for some reason my wattpad doesn't want to TT ^ TT
I'm sorry!!!

Anyways please



AND SORRY FOR ANY R-18 things that may take place at some chapters because of Rei and Sue making moves. 


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