(Blitz) Flight of Fate (@Smu865)

143 19 5

Topic : Owl

Title : Flight of Fate

Wings in the night

Wings spread in flight

Flight in an arc

Flight through the dark

Dark is your friend

Dark will transcend

Transcend this plane

Transcend the insane

Insane to run

Insane and undone

Undone by your speed

Undone so take heed

Heed the shrill cry

Heed or you'll die

Die with a moan

Die all alone

Alone with your tears

Alone and in fear

Fear from your eyes

Fear rules the skies

Skies black and blue

Skies owned by you

You dive and you screech

You thrive and you preach

Preach dark sorcery

Preach wisdom to free

Free falling to earth

Free darkness from birth

Birth hatched from an egg

Birth boiled and begged

Begged you to live

Begged you to forgive

Forgive what I did

Forgive and forbid

Forbid the sun

Forbid you to run

Run faster than sin

Run back to begin

Begin with a bang

Begin or be hanged

Hanged from an old tree

Hanged so they see

See what will become

See me succumb

Succumb at the gate

Succumb to my fate

Fate shoots me with light

Fate hoots in the night



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