(Blitz) "Colour of Living." (@cyberball94)

71 10 11

Topic : Butterfly

 Title : "Colour of Living."

Pretty little creature

Pretty in colour

Colour so bright

Colour painted right

Right on the sky

Right on the flowers

Flowers grow high

Flowers of ours

Ours to enjoy

Ours to watch

Watch them be free

Watch in no rush

Rush to live

Rush for the time

Time to appreciate

Time to unblind

Unblind our minds

Unblind our eyes

Eyes to see nature

Eyes to see butterflies

Butterflies fly low

Butterflies fly slow

Slow but gracefully

Slow and sleek

Sleek by the size

Sleek in the looks

Looks that mesmerize

Looks very true

True creations

True inspirations

Inspirations shape perceptions

Inspirations open knowledge

Knowledge to preserve

Knowledge to change

Change for the world

Change for the species

Species so precious

Species we can't replace

Replace by wealth

Replace by cash

Cash without value

Cash that changes you

You once love the beauty

You like to see

See the fauna

See the living

Living insects around

Living butterflies come



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