(Freeform) When Humans Failed Humanity (@FadingGenes)

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When Humans Failed Humanity

I'd heard before of whales turning up at the coast

But never of infants washing ashore

The sand with which their hands built castles

Is now thrown in handfuls on their caskets.

Where did we go wrong?

Have we become utterly numb?

The pain coursing through my every fibre

is not a fraction of that felt by the father

who watched his dream literally drown -

Truck full of dead refugees found

Tonight -

For the media, it's just another juicy sound bite.

Words fail me, they're not enough

to describe this cataclysmic tragedy

Because we as humans

Have finally failed humanity.

(If it hadn't been for a word limit, I'd have elongated this poem to include all the children who have been sacrificed as part of wars in the name of some stupid political motive. I don't watch the news or read it but it is hard to avoid pictures and posts that circulate the Internet showing hungry children, orphaned children, dying children, dead children. I think the current event just finally broke me - 06/09/15)

A/N: I am aware that almost all my entires in this competition have been in one way or another, related to wars and especially the current refugee crisis. It wasn't a coincidence - it was my intention to use my participation in this series to raise some awareness of these issues. I hope my little poems have had an effect of some sort on anyone who read them. And a special thank you to those who have shown their support and empathised with me during my psychological predicament (which is practically nothing compared to the physical and psychological pain of those actually suffering through these tragic events).

Flight of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora