(Blitz) Half hearted wonderer (@RonanOBoyle)

26 6 6

Topic :Dog

Title : Half hearted wonderer

Let's get puppy

Let's begs better half

Half German shepherd

Half asleep in pound

Pound dog skinny.

Pound dog eyes Wild.

Wild for freedom.

Wild with wanderlust

Wanderlust eyes

Wanderlust calling

Calling run away

Calling his beach

Beach found

Beach roam

Roam chasing waves

Roam free wonderer

Wonderer fetched home

Wonderer escape again

Again again dog warden

Again again pay bail

Bail bandit from jail

Bail all his life

Life for escape

Life a beach

Beach freedom

Beach bum by day

Day end back home

Day came past away

Away to heavens shore

Away for good

Good said no!

Good Rang doorbell

Doorbell Ring

Doorbell answered

Answered riddle

Answered to three girls

girls saw Odo

Girls Odo gone?

Gone not forgotten

Gone onto canvas

Canvas found

Canvas of Odo

Odo beach

Odo sundown

Sundown picture smile

Sundown Title The Wonderer

Wonderer beach forever

Wonderer forever wonderer



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