Finding Home Part 12

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Chapter Eleven

The little bell over the door into Andie's shop chimed cheerfully as Conner pushed it open. A spicy scent surrounded him, reminding him of wood fires, pine trees and the cold, slightly metallic smell of fresh snow. Andie was behind her checkout counter, ringing up the purchases of two younger women. She threw him a huge grin and started to shove their items into the shopping bags a little faster.

"Thanks for shopping at The North Pole on the SouthShore!" she called as the women stepped past Conner. They both looked him up and down and the blonde threw him a wink. Andie saw it too, and the warm welcoming look froze into a scowl.

Interesting. Conner smiled down at the blonde, but slid a glance at Andie out of the corner of his eye. Yeah, she didn't like that at all. Her hands fisted at her sides now and her breath was coming a little too fast. Maybe she didn't love him. Maybe she wouldn't be with him much longer. But she sure as hell didn't like the idea of him flirting with other women.

Conner stepped past the blonde as she left and kept on walking until he could wrap his hands around Andie's hips, his fingers slipping slightly on her silky slacks. "You okay?"

She blushed a little, the faint tinge of cherry pink on her cheeks making him want to taste her there, to see if she was as sweet as she looked.

"Yeah, sorry about yesterday." She shifted her weight, pulling away from him slightly, but he squeezed his fingers on her hips a little tighter, holding her in place.

"There's nothing for you to feel sorry about. Nothing." He tugged at her, bumping their bodies together, and even though he hadn't meant to, his mouth was on hers, his tongue teasing and tasting her, her vanilla scent invading his body until he felt light-headed with wanting her.

"Well," Andie said, when he lifted away from her. "I was going to be mad at you for flirting with that woman."

Conner leaned forward, brushed his lips against hers again. "And now?"

"Now I'm wondering how long it is until I can close up and get you in bed."

Conner laughed, even as his body sprang to life at her words, hardening into instant arousal at the thought that she wanted him that much, that he could make her want him that much. "As much as I'd like that, I came here because I had something to tell you."

He watched the contentment in Andie's eyes fade a little. "You have an offer on the building?"

"No, not yet. I've been offered a guide job. Here. It's late in the season, but Wilderness Outfitters has a kayak trip through the ApostleIslands planned. One of their guides is pregnant and can't go and the other had a family emergency pop up. It'll be a week and a half of paddling through the islands and wilderness camping. I'll be leading a group of fifteen people. Isn't it awesome?" He looked down at her, feeling a huge grin spread across his face, waiting for her to squeal in excitement, waiting for her to realize that this was a great opportunity for him, a way for him to stay here, a way for him to be with her, to make a life here.

But she didn't. Instead, all the happiness slid from her face and she shook her head. "But it's almost November. It's literally freezing out. Not to mention this is one of the worst times of the year for storms. You're not seriously thinking about doing it, are you?"

Conner shifted uncomfortably. "Well, yeah. It's my job. It's what I do." Why was she acting like this? Why didn't she see that he was trying to find a way to stay here? Or maybe she did see and didn't care.

She pushed back, out of his arms. "It's ridiculous. It's one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard."

Conner felt his throat clench and had to work to swallow. "It's not ridiculous. It's my job and I love it."

Finding Home #SYTYCW15 #SpecialEditionWhere stories live. Discover now