chapter 2 whispers

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You walk over to April and Casey aka Casey Jones! The cuteist guy at Roosevelt High! Plus he plays hockey! But any way as you walk to them Casey says "hey (y/hc)" Hey Casey and I told you to stop calling me by my hair color". "OK then but.." He grabbed your wrist and whispers in your ear "Meet me behind the school at 12:00 am (y/n)" Your face turned beat red and two he called you by your name! You were freaking out plus your heart might explode out of your chest! "S-sure Casey" he smiled his singenter smile and walked out of the lair. "What was that all about ?" April asked with a smrik , ya said the guys too! "Um ummmm" you stuttered. Then Mikey said ohhh (y/n) has a date with Mr.Casey Jones. And your face turned as red as Raphs mask!

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