chapter 10 Baby!

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You are now officially 40 weeks pregnant, and you just started to have contractions! Casey was driving you to the hospital and was saying engorging words "you got this (y/n), just keep breathing". His voice was calm so it helped you calm down, as you guys pulled up to the hospital the contractions got more painful! You were on the verge of tears but Casey grabbed your hand and said "just hang in their hun". You smiled and said "OK". You guys rushed to the hospital doors and ran to the front desk, Casey explained everything to the front desk lady and she hit a button and people came up to you and Casey to take you guys to the birth place. Time skip
It took you 3 hours but it was finally done! You had a beautiful daughter named Veronica, a wonderful boyfriend and a healthy pregnancy all at the age of 15 ya you might have missed graduation but it was all worth it. Casey came up to you and said "I love you (y/n)" "I love you to Casey". And both of you guys couldn't wait to show Veronica to April, the guys and master splinter. It felt like your life was on point!

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