chapter 4 lets begin

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Warning ⚠ this chapter contains mild sexualized content

The kiss was getting more intense! Casey broke away from the kiss , and said "(y/n) I love you". "I love you too Casey". Then he said "(y/hc) let's go back to my place no ones home. Your heart skipped a beat but you want along with it. As you followed him to his house you were wondering what will happen? As you guys walked into Casey's bedroom he pinned you against his bedroom wall and attacked your neck. And you moned litely. His hands started to go up your dress "wow (y/n) you have an amazing figure"! You blushed, he then pulled off your dress and unclasped your bra and the. You tugged at his shirt wanting it off he then did so. He then worked on your breasts and layed you down on his bed you softly moned "Casey" and then that unlocked the inner hormone beast inside of him!
To be continued

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