Party Crasher (Jeff the Killer x Reader Oneshot)

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It was dark and crowded, only multi-colored strobe lights lit the room. Music pounded into your eardrums and the bass vibrated your body. The feeling was almost exhilarating. The scene of so many people dancing with the strobe lights, shinning on each of them, was amazing. Why weren't you out there with them? Well, for one, you were too busy admiring the party. You finally snapped out of your daze and made your way to the dance floor.

Your body began moving to the music without even thinking. You soon found yourself becoming a slave to the rhythm. You didn't care and neither did everyone else trapped in the music's web. It's like all the world's worries and the stress of your every day life was lifted off your shoulders. The music further electrified your spark as you danced your heart out, your (h/c) hair moving along with your dancing. Little did you know, your passionate dance moves earned you a crowd and many more eyes plastered onto your form. They cheered you on, but you being so engrossed in the music, barely noticed them. Suddenly, something, or rather, someone caught your attention: A boy in a white hoodie started dancing next to you, almost syncing with your movements.

Everyone was now circled around the two of you, chanting for a dance off. So, that is exactly what they got.

You and the hooded boy stood facing each other. He nodded to you and muttered, "Ladies first."

His smile was evident even when half of his face was covered. You smirked and stepped forward. The music started to take control once more as you began to dance. The crowd cheered you on as you danced. Soon, you handed off to the boy.

"Think you can beat that?"

You smiled confidently as he stepped forward. He immediately began dancing. His movements were wild and crazy, yet flowed so flawlessly with the rhythm of the music. You even found yourself captivated by his dance moves. Suddenly, he handed off to you. It's like he knew you were caught off guard, but you were able to compensate for it during your turn.

Soon, it became clear the boy couldn't keep up with you. The crowd cheered loudly and chanted the nickname they had given you: Star girl. You guess the reason behind it was that you looked like a superstar on the dance floor.

Not too long after your victory, the dance floor returned to normal and everyone started dancing. You wanted to keep dancing, but you felt a hand slip into yours and grasp you gently. You looked over to find the hooded boy. He began to drag you away from the dance floor and to a lounge room that was lit with dull red lights. Hooka smoke filled the room as well as a few loveseats and a couple tables. Couples occupied a few of the sofas, kissing and feeling on each other, as one or two were only drinking and smoking.

The boy lead you to one of the more secluded sofas and you both sat together. You looked at him curiously. The two of you sat in silence for a while until the boy broke it abruptly.

"That was some serious dance moves you had out there, Star girl..." He mutters, as you notice he hasn't stopped smiling ever since you laid eyes on him. It seemed strange at first, but you decided to think nothing of it; Surely small details like that couldn't stop you from having a conversation with this hooded boy.

"(Y/n). My name is, (Y/n)."

"What a nice name... I prefer calling you that over Star girl. Seems more down to Earth, just like you."

You smirked at the subtle irony of his comment. And it was actually a statement of truth. You usually weren't one to 'toot your own horn' or put yourself on a pedestal.

"Y'know, I don't think I caught your name."

"That's because it was never found."

You hear the smirk in his voice as he replies to you. It almost seemed like he was holding back a chuckle but you weren't quite sure.

"Jeff the killer is what they call me. Personally, I prefer Jeff." He removes his hood as he spoke. His eyes were like daggers as he stared into your very being. Raven black hair covered half of his face, tempting you to pull back the strands. Although, you really didn't need to. You could see enough.

His eye color almost seemed non existent, leaving his black pupils on their own. Scarred cheeks leading down to his charred lips creating the forever-lasting smile you had previously disregarded. Looking back to his eyes, you were almost sure he hadn't blinked in a while. Lone and behold you were correct seeing that he had no eyelids. How could he manage that?

"Take a'll last longer."

You were snapped back to reality from Jeff's flirty, yet seemingly conceded, comment.

Despite the face before you being what people might describe as 'gruesome', you were oddly attracted to it. Strange, but you couldn't question the feeling. There was a charming look to him that you couldn't really decipher. Maybe it was his smile. After all, you did admire boys with a nice smile. Whatever the reason may have been, he was attractive and you didn't want to pass up this opportunity.

"But a picture isn't as nearly as good as the real thing."

Jeff seemed taken aback by your response like he was expecting something else. But that didn't phase him too long.

"True...very true. I can say the same for you, (Y/n)." He leaned in closer to your face, his hands closing in on you waist. Jeff gently brushed his lips against yours as your hands wandered to his face. You wondered what his scars felt like. Your thumb lightly ran over his cut cheek, but was soon intercepted by Jeff's hand. He gripped you tight for a moment.

"Don't do that."

He spoke against your lips as his grip softened on your hand. Your eyes widened to his immediate reaction to you trying to touch his scar.

"You know...we can do something better than touching each other's scars..."

"What did you have in mind...?"

You already knew what he meant, you just wanted to tease him. Jeff was about to speak when suddenly his eyes shot up from your lips to your eyes. He didn't seem to be looking at you even if his eyes were on you. He seemed to have heard the police sirens nearby. You had to admit: you really didn't notice the sirens. You were so entranced by Jeff's charm that everything had to come to a halt.

"We'll continue this later. Right now we need to get out of here." He grabs your wrist tight and rushes to a window. Jeff opens the window and looks down to find a huge garbage can below.

"What a lovely coincidence," he mutters as he quickly sweeps you off your feet into his arms. You frantically looked at him, not accepting your fate.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Before you could protest, he had already jumped out the window. You let out a shriek and grabbed onto his hoodie for dear life as the two of you fell. It wasn't long before you both landed. A softer landing than you expected. Jeff chuckled and jumped out of the large garbage bin with you still in his grasp.

"That was fun, huh (Y/n)?" He looked at you already knowing the answer. You wore a face mixed with terror and unamusement.

"Put me down, Jeff."

He only laughed, his voice being quite husk. He put you down gently and smirked a shit-eating grin at you. You rolled your eyes and pushed Jeff playfully, returning the same smile.

"So (Y/n), where's your house?"

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