Sliding in Your DMs? No Thanks (Ben Drowned X Reader)

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Your phone.

It was with you all the time and a part of your daily routine. You absolutely couldn't put it down for the life of you. Whenever Ben saw you with the damned device in your clutches he would usually annoy the living crap out of you. All in the name of prying your pretty (e/c) orbs away from the screen. Rarely would he roll his eyes, curse your phone under his breath and then silently leave your presence; But of course you never noticed because of how preoccupied you always were with your phone.

But it didn't used to be this way.

You and Ben were close. You'd argue the two of you still are, but that simply isn't true. You two talked all the time. You were his partner in crime when it came to pulling pranks on others. The two of you were a team, practically inseparable in each other's company.

You loved him, which was quite clear. At the time, if you had to guess, you could safely assume he loved you too. But once you got your own phone, things began to change.

At first, things were minimal when it came to time you spent on your phone. Ben would sometimes hack your phone or text you. It was fun at the time, but once you became more involved on the device Ben's texts stopped and the hacking was starting to get on your nerves. You always suggest texting to Ben but he refuses and insists you talk to him face to face or forget about it.

Fast forward to today, you completely gave up on asking Ben to text you anymore. When you did ask, it was only a means of pestering. Ben, on the other hand, rarely ever visited you anymore. Of course you never noticed...

-until today.

This morning was as normal as every morning for you: You woke up, stretched out, then grabbed your phone off your desk to check each of your social media feeds.

You scrolled through Twitter smirking in amusement at the occasional twerk video, and following the trending Twitter battles. But soon you scroll to find a written post from a celebrity that you highly respected.

"Y'know, most people today take for granted the ones they love. So, I ask you: How long has it been since you spent quality time with the ones you care about?"

Your eyes lit up as you lifted your head up from your screen. Memories of you and Ben pranking people and hanging out filled your head. You tried to remember the last time you two had seriously hung out. Guilt washed over you as you realized it had been a year since that had happened. You sat up in bed and softly placed your phone on your bed-side desk. Making your way outside your room, you knew exactly what you wanted to do.


You sat near the T.V. where Ben usually came into. You waited hours for him to arrive as you did numerous things in the room you normally wouldn't do if you had your phone on you. Finally rising to get your phone, you hear a noise. You pause as you see the T.V. screen ripple like disturbed water. A pale arm emerges from the screen and grabs onto the frame of the television set. Another arm emits and slowly a head pushes out of the screen, soft grunts barely audible to you. The being crawled from out of the old T.V. and floated onto his feet.

It was Ben.

He stretched his arms up, inhaling silently, and soon letting his arms fall as he exhaled. Ben opened his eyes half-lidded then turns his attention in your direction. Immediately a look of distain and disgust replaced his chill facial exterior. Did he always look at you like that? You pondered this thought for a short time, stung with disappointment.

"Hey... It's been a while, Ben."

His eyes never left your face as you spoke.

"So, I was, um...kinda wondering if you'd want to play a game with me."

Ben's eyes widened.

"What kind of game?" He raised an brow as if contemplating whether this was a sick joke you were pulling on him.

"I was thinking maybe some Super Mario Kart. Y'know...the one on the SNES?" You nervously ask him, looking up only for Ben's reply. You were convinced for sure that he wouldn't accept your offer, after all you put him through.

"Ah, oldies... You know me well, (Y/N)!"

"So...are you down?"

A small grin came onto his face as a look of competitive nature filled his eyes. You smiled and returned the expression.


"Eat my dust, snot hair!"

"In your dreams, Mcsnorter!"

Things seemed to feel normal for the hours you spent racing Ben. This felt much better than sitting alone on the couch or your bed as you tapped and scrolled away.

"Ahahaha! 1st place, baby! Fuck yeah!" Ben exclaimed happily as his chosen character passed the finish line with you barely behind him. You glanced over at him smiling brightly. This is the happiest you've seen Ben in a very long time. You giggled softly, your voice being hidden by Ben's loud victory cry. You continued to gaze upon him as your giggles began to stifle and your sweet smile was all that shone. Ben looked over at you as his chuckles came to a eventual close. Ben glitched a tad bit as his eyes widen and his smile gets small. You feel a cold familiar touch on your outer thigh slowly start to caress you. Ben's eyes lids halfway as he leans in close. Staying still, you watch him, your eyes barely open. The both of your lips press against one other. You felt sparks fly.


You pull back and yelp in surprise, losing your balance and falling flat on your back. Ben crawls over and straddles you.

"...You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."


Ben suddenly kisses you again, soft jolts coursed through you. You hung your arms around his neck and twiddled with his hair. He separates, yet you both still touch.

"You're mine now. That phone of yours had you for too long-" he pecked you gently and continued to speak on your swollen lips.

"-and now I'm not sharing."


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! Comment me some suggestions and I'll be sure to get around to it!))

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