Oh Sweet Child of Mine (Slenderman X Child!Reader)

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It was a perfect sunny day. You ran around the lush, green hill with a teddy bear clutched in your small hand. Your young voice pulses the open air with giggles and screams of happiness and glee.
Your mother, who wasn't too far off, watches you in your innocent excitement and every now and then warns you not to veer too far away. She kept advising you to stay away from the forest, which rests a few miles away from your isolated log house. But since you and your mother always went to pick flowers, and the forest happened to be near, it always peeks your interest.

This particular day was no exception.

Your mother nonchalantly picks the flowers in the vibrant green grass, looking up every now and then. But she soon starts to get more engrossed in her task as she turns her back to you. You peer back at her then gaze upon the forest. Your dress flowed with the wind as you wondrously ponder what could possibly be in the forest that your mother did not want you to see? You decide today was the day you discover that reason. So, you trudge along to the mouth of the forest, looking back every so often to see if your mother would notice.
You soon find yourself submerged in the forest, tall and narrow trees surround you. The leaves on the ground crunch and rustle as you walk further, the soft chirps of birds echo and streams of light shine through the spaces in between the trees and its leaves. It was a complete fantasy to you. It was everything you dreamed it would be. You giggle, and soon start laughing, as you twirl yourself around and dance about. You skip around the trees and sing little tunes your mother sang sometimes when she collected flowers. The songs stained the air as the birds subtly chirped to the child music that was your voice. You soon quiet down to a hum and cheerfully explore the forest, your trusty stuffed bear by your side for the ride.


After a long while of venturing through the enchanted forest, you decided to go back with your mother. As you turned around and started walking for a while, you start to notice that you keep passing the same tree. The environment got more and more familiar and you became deathly afraid...

You were going in a circle and you did not even realize it.

Once you were consciously aware that you were indeed going in circles, you yelled for your mother. You did this for a full ten minutes before giving up and slumping down to the ground against a tree, your face resting against your crossed arms on top of your knees. You sobbed softly as the realization that you would never see your mother ever again began to sink in.

After crying a while, you snuggled your teddy and sang your mother's tune once more, except in a less-spirited, sadder, and weaker voice. The tune soon came to a close and you decided to sleep, figuring you wouldn't be able to find your way back.

A soft touch to your shoulder awakened you from your short-lived nap. Slowly, your eyes adjusted as you look in the direction of which the contact came from.

Black dress shoes...and black slacks...?

You further glanced upward, noting the extreme height of the individual in front of you. He, as you assumed, had no face and pale white skin. As unfamiliar and creepy this man was, you didn't seem to mind.

"Um, mister? I'm lost. Do you know the way home?"

The tall male did not respond. He merely held out his long skinny hand to you. You looked up at the stranger and soon accepted his abnormally large hand. As he softly gripped onto you, you observed how he fully enveloped your tiny hand with only his palm.

And you thought your mom's hand was big.

As the tall stranger guided you through the forest, you felt an incredulous urge to ask where he came from. And being that you are a young child you acted upon your urge without a second thought.

"Where do you live?"

There was no response. You strained your young neck to gaze up at him. Why wouldn't he talk? Could he even understand you? Maybe it had to do with his lack of a face. This conclusion seemed to make sense to you, but you still wanted an answer from him. As if reading your mind, the man held out his other hand in front of him and moved his outstretched arm slowly to the right, as if signaling that his home was amoung the trees.

"You live in the forest? Isn't it scary?"

The figure softly shook his head.

"Oh. Well, it is lovely here..."

The man nodded softly and turned his head forward. You lowered your head and looked at the grassy ground as you walked along. Surveying the forest's ground, there wasn't really much to look at besides the grass and occassional patches of dirt. Luckily, you happened to see a couple rolly pollies squirming around and a row of ants marching about. A butterfly soon caught your attention and you quickly throw your head up to catch it before it flies out of sight. The beautiful creature flapped its pretty wings as it flew in front of your tall friend. He held out his long index finger, and to your surprise, she landed quite gracefully on his appendage. Your mouth widened and your (E/C) eyes sparkled in amzement.

"Wow! She landed on you! I want a butterfly to land on me! How did you do it?"

The man gently brought his big finger to you. You instinctively put out your  tiny index finger to his. The butterfly softly moved her wings, as if pondering if your finger was worth blessing. She seemed indifferent to you, crawling off of the pale white finger of the stranger and climbing on yours. You gasp, a big smile soon appearing on your face. Turning to look up at your huge guide, you beam in delight.

"Thank you, skinny man! She's so pretty!"

You couldn't see his facial expression, but for some reason you felt like he was smiling.


The tall slender man stopped suddenly. You peer up at him in a rather confused manner.

"What's wrong, skinny man?"

Almost immediately, a familiar sounding woman was heard screaming your name. You gasp softly.


You turn your body to face the huge man you had befriended. Giving him a big smile, you suddenly hug his long brittle legs. He seemed taken aback by this action, but soon placed his hand atop your head. This lasted for a long moment until you broke away.

"I've got to go back with Momma. I promise I'll come back to you, skinny man."

The man nodded and waved goodbye. You returned his wave with your own before you exited the forest.


"(Y/N)! Oh my God! Thank goodness!"

She rushed over to you and got on her knees, scooping you up in her arms and hugging you tight. She stroked your (H/C) hair as she held you closely. You hugged back, tangling your small fingers into her locks.

"Please don't run off again, okay? You almost gave Mommy a heart attack."

You nodded and complied. She placed you down and stood up, gently taking a hold of your soft little hand.

"So, what were you up to in that forest, you little rascal?"

"I met a reeeally tall and skinny man! He was a lot taller than you and had super big hands. He helped me find my way out of the forest and he made a butterfly land on me, Momma!"

"Wow, that sounds like quite an adventure, baby." Your mother beamed down at you. You nodded and smiled back.

"A really tall and skinny man, huh?"

"Yeah! And it was weird because he didn't have a face and was white like snow!"

Your mother didn't reply. She looked as if she had seen a ghost.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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