Chapter Two.

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Poppy's POV.

My phone beeped.

And beeped.



I lifted my body and slammed my hand on the bedside table looking for my phone, eyes still closed.

After spilling the glass of cold water, more on myself than on the table I managed to find my phone. When I turned it on it showed that it was two in the morning.

"WHY OH WHY!" I said looking upwards. Just then something got into my eye. I started ferociously rubbing my watering eye. And that's when my phone beeped again.

I got up to go to the bathroom, well I tried to. My legs got tangled in the comforter and I fell on the floor, face down.

Hands down for my clumsiness. Cue the eye roll.

"Poppy Anne Hook! What in the world are you doing in your room!" My mother screeched from downstairs.

"Nothing mom!" I yelled back.

"I guess you fell down from your bed again." She laughed. "That's the third time in the past five days sweetheart."

"Tell me about it." I groaned.

I rubbed my now sore nose. The itching in my eye was long gone so I carefully crawled in my bed and pulled the covers on my legs. The phone beeped again.

"It better be something important.." I said through gritted teeth. My mind drifted off to making evil plans as to what I would do with the one who caused havoc at this insane hour of night.

Step one, skin that person with my bare hands. Step two, leave him in the middle of the jungle. Step three, a bear should gobble him up and send his bones to Spike from the Tom and Jerry. Step four, poop him out of his system into some ditch. Yeah, sounds like a plan.

I shook my head and came back to the real world that hates me to no extent.

When I switched on the phone I found out that I had two new Twitter followers and a direct message.

When I opened the app I saw my previous neighbour's face on the top of my followers list, Scott.

Scott Retarded Martin had been my neighbour for four years until he moved away with his family a week ago. For which I thank the Lord.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself, my mind concentrated on his lopsided smile in his profile icon. That idiot! When I opened the direct messges I saw a message from the same asshole.

It said 'Hey dear! Miss me? ;)' The nerve of that boy..

It was when I was going to spew a rainbow of colourful words at him did I notice that I had another follower too.

And it wasn't just any follower..


I fangirled and squeaked. I opened the direct messages so I could messge him a thank you.

But he already beat me to it. It was a simple 'Hi there love.' But it was enough to cause all the butterflies in my stomach to flutter.

And this time I couldn't contain myself as I squeaked a big fat 'OH MY GOD'.

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