xxx_A Mumble Beginning_xxx

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I was upstairs in my bedroom, playing Call of Duty as I usually do. For some reason, the day felt odd. I was in the lobby talking to people. It wasn't unusual at all. I didn't forget to put on my fedora or blaze it. I was sure I didn't forget my M14 EBR at sniper school, because it was right next to me.

"Hey, doesn't the day feel odd?" I questioned the other players.

"No, what are talking about?" said an unusual voice.

I finally understood! This voice didn't sound like the average player. This was girl on the mic. Her name was xxx_pronoscoper_xxx.

"Get back in the kitchen, and make me a sandwich," I yell.

"Stop your crap, or I get over there, and quick scope the living hell out of you!" She replied in anger.

"You wot, mate."

"Come on, fight me IRL, noob!"

This was not good. I had no come backs. How was I going to degrade her?

There was a long pause."You must be playing on your boyfriend's console!"

I had won the fight! The whole lobby was so astonished, there was not a word heard.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She had broken the silence.

"It's your brother's or father's!" I shouted into the mic!

They're already dead, mate."

Everyone was more shocked than before. How could this be? An actual girl gamer? I had never seen anything like it, and this was probably the same case for the rest of the lobby.

I gave up on this roast. I left the lobby, and turned off my console. I just sat there on my futon trying to process what went down.

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