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Alden joined the group in the table but refused to partake of the food as he was already full.

Leo asked for the outcome of his conference with his father and Alden told him everything that transpired including the excitement of his parents and his plan of coming home for one weekend each month. Bing and Theo was very elated to hear that he will be home monthly but Leo was a little bit apprehensive.

"Are you sure you could do it, considering the bulk of responsibilities being passed on to you by your boss?"

"Bro, if you want to attain something you have to work for it. My decision which initially was intended only to fix my personal dilemma have brought priceless joy to my parents. This will inspire me more to move mountains to push through with what I planned and if things will turn out positively, I may move on to a much bigger goal."

"No need then for good luck wish bro. I know that once you have set your mind over something, it sure is considered accomplished" said Leo and resumed eating.

It was then that Alden caught Meng looking at him as if she is studying him intently but when their eyes meet she averted her gaze to direct it to her plate of food. He found this an opportunity to ask.

"Meng you were so engrossed in your laptop a while ago, how is your job hunting progressing?"

Meng looked at him then said, "I received two emails informing me of schedules for exam and interview next week, one from a bank and another for a hotel work and if I would be considered, I'd love working in any of the two."

Bing however butted in. "Hindi naman nagaaply si Ate kanina. Nakikipag skype lang sia. Ang guapo nga ng kausap nya," then turned to Meng, "Alam ko wala ka pang boyfriend, nanliligaw ba sa iyo yon ate?"

Meng nearly choked at Bing's question, then looked at her cousin and answered.

"He is one of my closest friend and also a classmate in college. Nagbabalitaan lang kami dahil pareho kaming naghahanap ng magandang pagaaplayan."

"Kaya pala ang tagal tagal nyo magusap at ang saya saya mo pa?"

"Kasi ng malaman nya na andito ako gusto nyang dito na din maghanap ng trabaho at hindi na sa Maynila dahil may mga kamaganak din pala sia dito. Natutuwa lang ako dahil pag natuloy siya me makakasama na ako lagi pag wala kayo."

"But opportunities here are limited compared to Manila, he should prefer Manila if I were him", commented Alden which made Leo smirk.

"That was his original plan, however he has not made up his mind yet. It just came as an option when he learned that I am here now."

"Anyway, invite him to come here should his plans pushes through so that we will also meet your friend," advised Leo.

"Sure kuya talagang ipapakilala ko siya sa inyo kung matuloy sya sa pagpunta dito. Mabait iyon and I know you will like him too," promised Meng.

After dinner, Meng washed the dishes, a chore she assumed since she arrived at this house, while Bing cleaned the table and Theo, is in charge of disposing the days garbage.

All household work for the night done, Meng returned to her laptop and opened her email to check possible replies to online applications sent. Finding none she opened her social media account and checked for latest updates from friends.

Minutes later Alden pulled a chair across the table from her holding his phone on his left hand. Later a new message popped up at Meng'ss account and it was a friend's request from Alden. She looked at him across the table as he asked her.

"Could I be one of your friends too? Patutunayan ko sa iyong mabait din naman ako at sabi din nila guapo," then he looked at Meng smiling.

Meng smiled back and said, "Humble ka rin pala no?" then pushed the accept button on her media site.

"I never consider physical charisma a requirement for friendship but as I have realized that I was wrong and found out that you are a good man loved by my cousins, I'd like to be your friend too kuya RJ."

Alden's reaction was disbelief. "Kuya? Why?"

"That is how Bing and Theo call you and you are of kuya Leo's age so it is just proper that I'll call and treat you as my kuya too. I ought to give you due respect"

"Bing and Theo are just teens".

"But still you are five years my senior hence, it is just proper that I address you that way," insisted Meng.

When she noticed the irritated expression on Alden's face Meng asked. "Akala ko patutunayan mo na mabait ka bakit nagsusungit ka pa rin ngayon?"

Not able to control his annoyance anymore, Alden stood up, turned his back and said "call me anything except kuya" and went straight to Leo and Theo's room.

Leo who is seated on the couch watching tv is visibly chuckling as Alden closed the bedroom door behind him.

Chasing an AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon