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I was physically exhausted for lack of sleep and days of travelling on the road checking our branches in this region. It is already late in the evening and all I wanted was to lay flat on my bed once I arrive at my hotel room where I have to stay for a month while on duty here. However, I decided to pass at the office building to leave some of the equipment that I had with me. As there was no one around from the office, I left these with the guards on duty requesting them to endorse these to Leo early in the morning. It was then that I learned that Leo is on leave due to the passing of a family member. Leo is a good friend hence, I decided to go to his house before heading for home. This is my first time to go there and the guards give me his address and provided instructions on how to get there.

Leo was not readily around when I reached the place and it was his brother who volunteered to look for him. Moments later he came out of the house and he ushered me into the house of his uncle, who was the husband of her aunt who passed away.

Halfway along the receiving room he called out to someone and pulled me along with him. We then came face to face with a lady, whose innocent look and natural beauty devoid of any makeup mesmerized me.

I had unconsciously hold on to her hands longer than needed and was shocked too by my own action when I automatically raise her palm to my lips to kiss it before releasing it from my hold.

It was the first time that I was instantly charmed by a woman without any effort from her end. She seemed to have cast a spell on me that the excitement I felt in meeting her totally wiped out the exhaustion I had felt earlier.

I wanted so much to be at her side the whole night but she was always busy, so I had to be contented just watching her silently from where I sat and just courageously approached her again when I decided to leave. And this time I was not able to control myself again in reaching for her hand and squeezed it lightly.

The following day, I came back and I had to admit that she was the reason why I wanted to be there. I am a bit guilty for it was to be an occasion for sympathy but I was happy that I had the chance to be beside her most of the time and had even been able to hold her arms on some instances.

I want to be honest to Leo so I promptly came back the following week to talk to him and as buddies ask permission to formally court her cousin. I was devastated learning that Meng does not live there and has already left. Leo had been frank to me when we talked about my intention on Meng. He had discouraged me in pursuing her explaining to me that he don't want another heartache for his cousin who is still recovering from the failure of a past relation. My assurances failed to convince him and he was firm in his decision not to divulge Meng's location. I was so desperate but I know I cannot take it against him for he only wanted to protect Meng. Despite his resentment on my intention towards his cousin we became closer as friends. I frequented the house where they stay in the city where I hangout on my free time than stay at my hotel room with no one to talk to. It was in one of these visits that I was able to talk to Theo while waiting for Leo. He unwittingly provided the information that I had unsuccessfully begged from his brother.

I could not contain my happiness learning that she is actually working here in Manila so I worked double time to finish all my commitments there to be able to come home as soon as possible. And once I'm back, I wasted no time in finding her which was easy enough for the company she is connected with is well-known in the tourism industry.

I ordered a bouquet of flowers to be sent to her office and waited patiently for her outside of their building after office hours in the afternoon. She was really surprised to see me and even refused my invitation for her and her friend to eat somewhere but when I requested to drive them home, although she was resistant at first but she gave in later.

I learned from Meng that she and her friends will be spending their weekend in this resort when she refused my invitation for us to go out this weekend. I promptly placed  a reservation too desiring to be in the same place where she is. I arrived late Friday evening and I know they will be arriving early Saturday morning. I was planning to surprise her so I did not tell her that I also booked a room here this weekend.

The resort comprises of clustered buildings housing the guest rooms spread out along the mountain sides in either two to three stories. The top portion of the mountain or the plateau houses the main or administration building where the lobby, front office, coffee shop, fine dining resto, bar and offices of the resort hotel's various departments are located.

The hotel does not allow use of personal vehicle within the complex. Personal cars are parked at the resort's parking and guests are serviced by either jeepneys or golf carts wherever they want to go within the complex. I woke up at about nine in the morning and ordered for a room service breakfast. About an hour later, I was ready to make a rounds of the complex and boarded a golf cart that serviced the clustered buildings and transport the hotel guests to the hotel's main building where jeepneys are available to shuttle guests anywhere within the thirty hectare resort complex.

I boarded the jeepney bound for the beach for I am sure this is where Meng and company would stay most of the day.

The beach shorelines are bordering mountain sides. Although it is not covered with white sands where popular beaches are famous of, but it covers a wide expanse of clean sand with clear blue waters. Farther down are a couple of watersports activities available to guest like boat riding, wind surfing and water-skiing.

I walked lazily along the length of the seashore with eyes alert for a familiar figure either enjoying the waters, resting under the line of wide umbrella shades or walking along the coastline like me but found none. So, I proceeded into where the cottages are. At those lined up nearest the beach which are almost occupied by now, result was still negative. 

It was at the cottage farthest along the line but still near the beach that I caught sight of a man and a woman sitting closely beside each other intently watching something held by the man's left hand. I instantly recognized the woman for I would always recognize her even in a crowd. I stayed frozen seeing how close they are and then noticed the man's right hand holding her left hand securely. My heart constricted at the sight and recovering from this unexpected find minutes later, I came nearer but made sure that I am hidden from their sight. Both appeared to be too serious in whatever they were discussing but a short while later Meng seemed to be crying and the man hugged her almost tenderly. I was expecting a reaction from Meng but she remained enclosed in his arms without a sign of protest while silently sniffing even when his left arm came up to her head and pulled it to rest on his chest, then let his face rest on her forehead while his right arm stayed holding her waist and hugged her closer to him even more. I felt my whole body go numbed when still Meng had not objected as the man was holding her tightly now. Then an attractive lady came who detached Meng from him and hugged her too. There was an exchange of conversations which I could not hear. I am no masochist but despite the pain, I want to know what is going on so, I took the risk of getting nearer to be able to hear and discover the truth.

It was then that I saw Lolly with another man in tow approaching their cottage so I made sure that I am hidden from their sight but enough to hear and see what is happening.

I heard it when Lolly advised Meng to forgive him now and further exchanges of words between the group made me realize that the man was Meng's former boyfriend, the man whom Leo said broke her heart. But the way he looked at her with so much passion in his eyes and how he possessively holds her now clearly show that he truly love her. And the way Meng looked at him too, how she submissively remained securely enclosed in his arms without any objection clearly told me that I already lost the battle that I am just about to start. The love and affection reflected in their eyes and their undeniable yearning towards each other made me accept my defeat and cheesy as it may seem for a man but I wanted to cry to ease this great pain in my chest.

And the expectation of a delightful weekend to be spent with her ended in drowning myself with cans of beer alone in my hotel room.

Chasing an AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon