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I left the mall's food court confused. My best friend is recovering from the pains of her failed first relationship. She's been betrayed so, she told me. She's not one to make up stories and I know how hurt she had been. Then, out of nowhere, comes this gorgeous hunk who claims as her boyfriend and desperately wants to have Meng back.

Alden is undeniably good-looking, one who would easily charm a woman effortlessly. But the way he begged for my help to have Meng again touched me. I could feel the desperate longing in his voice and see the pains mirrored in his eyes while pleading for my assistance in order to win back Meng's affection.

At the office, my attention is divided between my work and for the first time, by closely observing my friend. In between these two I also perused over the documents given to me by Alden and from the information contained therein, I had been able to searched additional related data about him with the aid of google and the social media. And, I was impressed. Keeping an eye on my friend's actions discreetly for the rest of the day made me resolve that I need to dig more data about this supposed boyfriend of hers.

"Meng una ka na umuwi, me dadaanan lang ako," I told her after our office hours.

"Samahan na kita," she volunteered.

"No need na, saka baka gagabihin ako, di ko masabi kung anong oras ako makakauwi. Una ka na para makapagpahinga ka pa," I encouraged her.

"Sigurado ka okay lang sa iyo magisa?"

"Yeah! Nothing to worry."

"Okay I'll go ahead then. Take care."

"And oh, don't wait for me for dinner."

"Oy baka iba na iyan. Sige friend, be happy and enjoy," she said winking at me before turning back to leave.


"Are you sure she has no idea about this."

"She's probably thinking that I am seeing someone and is presuming it in a romantic way. I did nothing to correct her misconception so that there would be less questions."

"Thank you so much for giving in to my request."

"I'm doing this for my friend and not for you," I retorted.

"All the same, I'll be forever grateful to you, if I will find out what I need to know and be able to resolve everything between us."

"Then bilisan mo baka mahuli ka na kasi nakikita kong nasasanay na sya na wala ka."

My threat hit a nerve for I saw how his eyes suddenly flared in anger, then replaced by a shadow of anguish and heard him inaudibly utter an expletive before saying loudly.

"She is mine alone and I won't think twice in getting my hands over anyone that will even try to lay a claim on her. I am leaving for Cebu tomorrow but I'll be getting in touch every day. Please text me when it is safe to call and thank you for bearing with my tenacity."


"As soon as Meng left for lunch I texted Alden and promptly got a call from him. I wasted no time and relayed to him what Meng had told me last night.

"Thank you so much, now I know where to start."

"What are your plans?"

"I'll be home, I mean I'm flying to my hometown day after tomorrow and I will be coordinating and updating you on whatever developments and discoveries. Please take good care of her," and he hanged up.


"Where are you, is it okay to call now?" This was the text message I just received.

"At the office alone, they'll all out for lunch," I replied back. I quickly answered after the first ring of my cellphone not wasting time to check who the caller is.

"Please book me for this weekend at your hotel. Two single room for a three days stay, and, another single room and a double or twin room for two days stay. All rooms are with full board meals and book this under the name of Christian Samson, my assistant.

"You should have called their reservations directly," I told him thinking that he meant the hotel where our office is housed.

"No, I meant the resort hotel where you both work. Actually I am now billeted here only a floor higher from your office. I just checked in this morning and if it's okay could we meet after your office hours today?"

"Then why is the reservation for the resort? It is located outside of Manila."

"That really serves the purpose and one reason why we have to meet today. I need to discuss details of my plans with you to ensure that things will turn out right."


Later, while having dinner at a somewhat secluded part of a restaurant only a block away from our office....

"We will be spending our weekend at the resort? They will be wondering why and how could I afford it."

"Have the two room reservations covered with gift certificates and tell them it is a complimentary gift from someone."

I can't hide my curiosity and excitement anymore so I asked, "What happened?"

"I have unearthed everything and my only concern now is how to corner Meng so that she will be compelled to talk to me and listen and believe in what I had to tell and show her to prove that we are both victims in this situation. And most crucial is, on how to convince her to let me be a part of her life again. I have to succeed this time for I can no longer stand just watching her from afar. I want to have a solid claim on her again Lolly, so please help me finalize this fight."

I was touched by Alden's pleadings over our dinner so I promised him to do everything possible so that he could do what needs to be accomplished effectively.

But I am doing this not only due to Alden's supplications but ultimately for my friend's happiness.


We are spending our weekend now at the resort as planned. Alden had been triumphant in regaining Meng's love and trust again just moments ago. Lynn, Alden's cousin was a great help in restoring her trust on him. Brian and I had witnessed how they patched things out without their knowledge. We gave them chance to talk things over when Lynn, Brian and I decided to explore the beach and the beauty of the surrounding nature leaving them alone in our cottage.

It was a touching moment and I am really so overjoyed for my friend and proud to be instrumental for this happy reconciliation.

"Malaki na at matalino iyang kaibigan natin. Hindi nya na kailangan ang alalay ngayon dahil daig pa ni Tisoy ang PSG kung makabakod sa kaibigan natin. Tara na at nakadidistorbo lang tayo. Hayaan natin silang bumawi sa mga nasayang na panahon." Brian got my left hand and I pulled Lynn too as we walk away from the cottage unnoticed by the two lovebirds who obviously are now engrossed on their own world.

We left Meng alone with Alden who has not let her go even for a moment. He is securely holding her close to him with both arms circling her waist hugging her from behind, letting her back lean firmly on his chest and his head resting on her shoulder while they sat contentedly inside our cottage. I wave my free hand at them as we ran towards the shore and they both waved back portraying a picture of a very happy couple.

Chasing an AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon