nine || more apologies

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i'm sorry that sometimes
i ignore messages for days on end,
and leave you hanging dry.

i'm sorry that at times
i'll be overly hyper,
and my voice too loud because i can't control it well.

i'm sorry that i
can't concentrate well,
and laugh during intense and serious situations.

i'm sorry that i'll lose motivation to do things
that i promised i would do,
and isolate myself from everyone.

i'm sorry that i stutter
when i talk about my feelings,
and lie a lot because i don't like feeling vulnerable.

i'm sorry that i'm
just so messed up,
and that you must be tired of waiting for me to get better.

but i swear i'm getting there,
and even though i'm not quite okay,
i'm still trying and i need your love and attention now more than ever.

and even though i seem clingy sometimes,
it's only because i don't
want to lose anyone else.

maybe i don't want to die anymore,
but it feels like i'm numb and empty all the time still,
and i may still be doing terribly,
but i'm getting there, i promise.

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