Forgotten (Mori x Male! Reader)

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You used to see Mori-Senpai every day after school. The two of you were quite close and had been since you'd been children. Now that both of you were in high school, he had seemed different and more distant towards you.

Even though it had only been months since you'd begun school at Ouran Academy, it seemed like years. You missed Mori more with each passing day. He seemed to hardly have time for you anymore. Between the Host Club and his Kendo club, he was too busy to hang out with you all that much.

That didn't mean that he completely ignored you. You were able to see him occasionally, but it was typically for only short periods of time and rushed while he made his way to a club or home.

To add to your anguish, you had been overcome with constant bullying. Mori had kept them away in middle school. Now, they saw their opportunity and took it.

In and between every class you were taunted by a group of boys and after school you were beaten by them. You tried to fight back but you couldn't beat them in the unfair fight of only one against six. Your parents never seemed to notice either. They were too busy with work to even be home half the time.

That left you feeling entirely alone and forgotten by everyone except for the bullies. On one of your short visits with Mori he suddenly stopped mid-sentence and looked closely at your face. He held your chin delicately in his hand and tilted your head towards the light so that he could get a better look.

"What's this, (y/n)?" He gently touched the fading bruise around your eye causing you to flinch.

"It's nothing." You looked away quickly, hoping to hide your shame and the bruise.

"That's not nothing. Please let me help you. Was it those boys from before?" He asked, a look of concern crossed his usually expressionless face.

"Seriously, I can handle it."

He grabbed your hand and then tilted your chin so that he could look into your dazzling (e/c) eyes. "This won't just go away. Even If you don't want my help, I'm going to give it to you."

You pulled away from him and started for the nearby door. "Please, just leave me alone. I don't need your help." With that, you slammed the door behind you leaving Mori staring dumbfounded after you.


Weeks later, Mori had not helped you nor talked to you again. You knew that he cared enough to keep his distance, but you didn't know for how long.

After school you snuck out the back gate to avoid your tormentors. They had been waiting outside the front gates for you every afternoon for weeks and you were hoping to have an afternoon off from them.

You looked over your shoulder every couple of steps to make sure they hadn't spotted you. When you were several blocks away from the school, you let out a sigh of relief. Maybe they wouldn't get you today.

Unfortunately it seemed as if you spoke too soon. You turned the next street corner and ran right into them. "We didn't see you out front today and felt like you didn't like us anymore. So we decided to run ahead and catch up to you closer to home." The larger blond boy sneered. You didn't know their names so you had started to call the leader Blonde.

You groaned at your horrible luck. "Just leave me alone."

"Afraid we can' do that. What fun would that be?" A second taunted. You tried to push your way around them but they moved to block your path. They quickly corralled you ad formed a tight circle around you as you continued to push them, trying t escape.

Blonde stepped into the circle and the gap closed behind him. "We just wanna hang out with you. You know, have some fun." He lunged at you but you easily dodged out of the way.

It caused you to near the edge and the boys pushed you back towards Blonde. He took advantage of your lack of balance to land a solid punch to your jaw. It sent you to the ground, your head spinning.

"Get away from him." You heard a voice you recognized.

"Mori-Senpai." You got shakily to your feet and saw that the circle had opened to reveal Mori.

"Let's get outta here!" Many of the boys began to run in all directions. There was only one that stayed, Blonde.

"Hey get back here!" He looked around at his fleeing friends then at Mori. He shook his head before turning to run himself. He wasn't fast enough though. Mori grabbed him by the collar and punch him, hard before letting him go.

"Thanks, but I didn't need your help." You turned away from him but couldn't help but glance back towards him.


"I've never seen you lose your cool like that before."

"Well, I had a good reason to, you were in danger and he needed to know not to try anything again. Otherwise, he would have done the same again tomorrow."

"Do you really care that much about me? I thought you had your other friends to keep you busy." You could see the hurt in his eyes as you said this.

"I may have other friends but none of them mean as much to me as you."

"You don't mean that."

"I do. You can choose whether to believe it or not, but it won't change the truth." You walked over to where he stood on the empty sidewalk and placed your hand in his. You looked into his eyes and knew instantly that he was telling the truth. There was no denying that look in his eyes.

"Let's go back to my place so that we can catch up. I almost never see you anymore." You ventured. He nodded and you walked hand in hand towards your house.

You knew that life was still going to be hard but with Mori by your side, you could make your way through anything.


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