Truth (Hitachiin Twins x Reader)

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At the end of the day you rushed from the classroom. You were more than ready to head home after all your frustration. Your new school, Ouran Academy, was huge and you had gotten lost on your way to each class.

Unaware of the people around you, you sped down the hall, books in hand. Then you ran into them, a pair of identical redheads that you'd seen in class, the Hitachiin twins. You knocked into them sending, your papers and books flying. It took you a moment to realize that you weren't falling toward the floor with your belongings. Looking up, you saw that they had caught you.

You stood quickly, your face turning deep red. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." You quickly sputtered scrambling to collect your things. They bent to pick up some papers and handed them to you.

You looked up to see them grinning at you. "Hey, she's pretty cute!" Hikaru said, or maybe it was Kaoru. It was hard to tell them apart. They helped you to your feet and you noticed their grins grow more mischievous than normal. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The other asked his brother.

They grabbed your hands and began to drag you down the hall. "Hey let go of me!" you shouted struggling to escape their grasp but they held on. Suddenly they let go causing you to stumble. Luckily you avoided falling on your face.

Turning you noticed the big doors to music room #3. They each grabbed a door and opened it. As they did so, rose petals drifted towards you. The scent of roses was strong but not overpowering.

"Welcome," you heard from inside the room. As your eyes adjusted to the bright light you saw a group of boys.

"What is this?" you asked. Never once in your life had any guys paid attention to you and it was starting to worry you. For all you knew it could be a cruel trick they played on new girls at Ouran.

"This," the twin on your left began.

"Is the host club." The one on the right finished.

So this is where it is. you thought. You may not have been at this school very long but the host club was famous. Everywhere you went, there were girls gushing about their favorite host club member. It had seemed stupid to you but if it meant they left you alone, so be it.

"So what's your type?" The blonde asked interrupting your thoughts. It took you a minute to remember that his name was Tamaki.

"Huh? Aren't you that phony prince?" The moment the words left your lips, you wanted to take them back. He had a reputation for moping when insulted. As expected he curled up by the far wall in a small ball and muttered to himself.

"Don't worry about tama-chan." A small boy said coming up to you holding a small plate of cake. "You can come have some cake with me instead." He grabbed your sleeve and began to pull you towards a small table.

You yanked your arm from his grasp and glared back at the twins. You were fed up with being pulled around. "I'm outta here! And I don't want any cake." You growled as you walked towards the door. "I never wanted to come here and I have too much homework to do."

"Wha- what? You don't want any cake? More for me!" you heard behind you.

The redheads blocked the door and grinned at you. "You can't leave yet. But if you insist on leaving we'll offer you a deal."

"If you can guess which of us is Hikaru and which is Kaoru then you can leave." The one on your right continued.

"And what if I get it wrong?"

"Then you have to stay here with us." You groaned. You knew this would be an impossible task since they were identical in almost every way except for how they parted their hair.

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